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Losing My Marbles Only To Find Them
Ketamine, MDMA & Opium
Citation:   Soulshadower. "Losing My Marbles Only To Find Them: An Experience with Ketamine, MDMA & Opium (exp79139)". Sep 1, 2017.

6 glasses oral Alcohol - Beer/Wine (liquid)
  .5 hits oral MDMA (blotter / tab)
  3 hits smoked Opium  
  3 bumps insufflated Ketamine (powder / crystals)
Okay so this experience was probably (drug-wise) the high point of a 4-day weekend of indescribable fun at a summer camping and music festival. The previous day I had tripped on mescaline. I got out of my tent and my friend and I each downed a 6-pack. A couple hours passed and I decided to take half an ex tab that my camp neighbor advertised as 'orgasmic' to me. I went to see a DJ that I'm very fond of (whose name will be anonymous for the sake of the festival's reputation).

As my friends came and went, I didn't even care. I was surrounded by good people all doing the same as me-throwing their hands up and feeling the bass slosh their guts every which way. I smelled opium, and promptly asked the kids next to me where to find any. I hadn't had luck getting any the whole time, only smelled it. They informed me they couldn't sell it but offered me some. It was in a glass blunt, which is a cylindrical pipe one stuffs deep, that slides together like a kazoo when you need to ash the end. After a few hits they asked me if I needed any ketamine.

Having read up on ketamine and it's effects I felt I was pretty ready. I was already in a great mind frame I thought why not. The ecstasy was hitting me by now and I think that might have had an effect on that positive reinforcement. So I paid them $5 and the kid pulls out a big bump on the end of his car key, then another. I thank him, and his friend goes 'give him some more, man! that wasn't enough'. I knew it was plenty already because of how it burnt, but I took the final one graciously. I danced for probably one minute and knew immediately that I had to leave. I was anxious, but not in a bad way.

I started down the main trail back to my tent. My vision had changed, and gotten almost cloudy. The dissociative feeling was unlike any from a drug I had. I was twitching as if stimulated, and I kept thinking of how I must have looked from other people's point of view as I locked eyes with them. Eventually this subsided as my ego fall apart into a million pieces.

My vision became dark as I entered my tent. My long-time camping partner was asleep in the tent (it was about 4 pm) and I stepped over him and lay down. Best decision I made all day. I closed my eyes and felt nothing and everything-numbness yet a pulling at my body. My legs and body would randomly spasm, about which I apologized to my friend later that day. It probably wasn't easy to sleep during the day and next to me. So I open my eyes occasionally and see the tent and I'm pretty interested in the way it looks, no insane visuals however. I had a big grin on my face until I started thinking about my life back home and all of the sudden I felt totally detached from it. It's like that life existed in a different dimension that I watched as it got further and further, crumbling away as I clung to it. I usually know better on drugs than to try to cling but I felt as if the present didn't exist anyways and I was more this thought of the past. Time became scrambled as well.

I got antsy after about 15 minutes which seemed eternity and left my tent with a big blanket to go watch an old famous country musician. Yep, still alone. Had I been with friends I doubt it would have helped unless they took the ketamine as well. I sat there watching the sunset since I couldn't see the musician. I looked over at a toddler and a woman playing and the whole scene was very bizarre. The child was kind of morphing into her, the the kid looked like a full grown midget. I decided to go back to my site where I found some friends. Things winded down from there and this is when i 'got my marbles back' by talking to them.

All in all I don't combine drugs much but this was one amazing experience. The fact that I survived it alone without any very bad feelings is also good.

Exp Year: 2009ExpID: 79139
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Sep 1, 2017Views: 1,358
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Ketamine (31) : General (1), First Times (2), Festival / Lg. Crowd (24)

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