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I Can Feel It Beating
Amitriptyline & Sertraline
Citation:   KriAHJab. "I Can Feel It Beating: An Experience with Amitriptyline & Sertraline (exp79168)". Feb 20, 2019.

  oral Pharms - Fluoxetine (daily)
  25 mg oral Pharms - Amitriptyline  
I called a friend of mine up eariler and I was looking for some 5mg Valium. Later on in the evening he came by with these yellow pills. After searching awhile on the internet for them-2102 v marked pills (note that the v was on the opposite side as the 2102) I found that they were 25 mg Amitriptyline.

Seeing as how I didn't pay much for them and how I had taken a 50mg before because I had gotten upset and a friends mother had given me one, I can remember the experience to be plesant-I didn't get mad at them for not giving me what I had asked for.

It's around midnight or so and I have taken the pill roughly an hour ago. I'm feeling highly sedated and my heart is beating...well, I can feel it beating. I feel as if I'm ready to go to bed! I'm started to feel slightly hungry and my mouth is pretty dry. I've noticed a tiny headache. As for my body, I'm feeling really really light. My entire body is relaxed. I don't feel like doing much, I feel quite glued to this seat.

Just wanted to write my experience. Nothing for real too terrible or nothing that I wouldn't take again. I am prescribed zoloft and I was a little concerned that it is a drug interaction if taken within 5 weeks of each other, but oh well.

Exp Year: 2009ExpID: 79168
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Feb 20, 2019Views: 1,039
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Pharms - Sertraline (88) : Combinations (3), Unknown Context (20)

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