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Don't Waste Your Time With This
Morning Glory Seeds
Citation:   Sick Guy. "Don't Waste Your Time With This: An Experience with Morning Glory Seeds (exp792)". Aug 4, 2000.

350 seeds oral Morning Glory (seeds)
Well, I've decided to share with you a bit of very useful advice. Morning Glory seeds are a waste of time. I ingested 11 grams of seeds in hopes that it would make me trip. After about an hour and a half of waiting, I began to feel odd. This wasn't a pleasant experience...paranoia set in slowly and i began to feel restless soon after. The walls did start to drip a bit, but probably for about ten minutes...then the effect disappeared.

I felt very transparent for a few moments. And within this transparency came a 5 minute rush of psychedelic energy. Acid trippers you know what I mean. Then it was over. My stomach began turning and I began cramping. I sat on the toilet twice, puked once, and had to smoke a bunch of weed to even get to sleep. The unpleasantries lasted for about six hours...until I'd smoked two dime bags to rid of the nausea. This stuff messes with you. Even though it's natural, it's better left to making pretty flowers. It's definitely not worth it. Spend your money better....put the 10 bucks for the seeds on something that works, and doesn't make you feel uncomfortable. Cause i gurantee you ... this stuff will.

P.S. the seeds taste like really hard nuts.. Almost as hard as corn...not pleasant to ingest

Exp Year: 2000ExpID: 792
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Aug 4, 2000Views: 30,003
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Morning Glory (38) : Unknown Context (20), Health Problems (27)

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