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Severe Risk
Tramadol, Escitalopram, & Alprazolam
Citation:   neveragain83. "Severe Risk: An Experience with Tramadol, Escitalopram, & Alprazolam (exp79326)". Jun 15, 2018.

350 mg oral Pharms - Tramadol
    oral Pharms - Escitalopram
    oral Pharms - Alprazolam
I have 2 separate stories that I will try to keep short but detailed.

I visited my doctor in December of 2008 seeking some answers for depression/anxiety feelings, and some shoulder pain. My doc prescribed me Lexapro for the depression, and Tramadol for the pain. Which I would later find out is a lethal combination. I started taking the meds as prescribed, and of course the tramadol wasn't strong enough (50mg) to support my pain needs. So I started taking more, not knowing what I was doing to myself.

On this particular day, I took my lexapro in the morning, went to work and had tolerated myself up to taking 7 tramadols (350mg). Probably about an hour later, I went blank. I was told that I started walking around my place of work asking people bizarre questions and rearranging things. A coworker asked what I was doing and I explained to him that I was doing my job, he got one of my friends who also asked what I was doing, I again said I was just doing my job, and she explained to me that this wasn't my work station. I finally came to when my supervisor approached me. I didn't know where I was or what I was doing. I never actually passed out and lost consciousness, I was walking around but not at all in my state of mind. This was a petit mal seizure. They called my husband who took me to the hospital. Conclusion: seizure from the combination of drugs I was taking. *It is VERY dangerous to take tramadol in combination with antidepressants. Doctors should know this!!*

So, obviously I see my family doc and tell him that I want off the drugs, and I want a new prescription. They started me on xanax. No pain pills. I was fine for 5 months with no reocurrances. Until about the third week of May. I had run across some tramadol for sale. Thinking that the above mentioned episode only happened because I was taking the lexapro along with the tramadol, I opted to buy. So, again I was at work. I took my xanax as normal, and I have no idea how much tramadol I took.
I have no idea how much tramadol I took.
Somewhere between 350-500mg. The last thing I remember is getting in a scuffle with my boss and returning to my work station. They said the seizure lasted for almost ten minutes. My friend came over to say something to me and found me convulsing on the floor with my eyes rolled back in my head. They called 911. After I was semi-conscious, my friend says I was sitting by a trash can and was trying to grab at stuff, so she told me to grab at her shorts instead. She said I was violently grabbing at her shorts and she was actually afraid I was going to pull them off of her. This time I had the grand mal seizure. The ambulance arrived and took me (still completely out of it) to the hospital. Of course, I know what caused it but I can't tell my family and friends that.. So they are running tests to make sure I have no brain damage or problems.

They took away my driving privileges until they are done testing me. I can't work until I'm cleared by my doctor. Obviously, I won't be taking tramadol again.

Exp Year: 2008-2009ExpID: 79326
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 15, 2018Views: 2,841
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Pharms - Tramadol (149) : Workplace (51), Depression (15), Medical Use (47), Health Problems (27), Retrospective / Summary (11), Combinations (3)

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