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Consecutive Nights
Citation:   BenzoFreak. "Consecutive Nights: An Experience with DXM (exp7940)". Oct 6, 2020.

T+ 0:00
300 mg oral DXM (liquid)
  T+ 1:00 300 mg oral DXM (liquid)
  T+ 2:30 300 mg oral DXM (liquid)
Thanks to the lucid and informative information given by the author of an online FAQ, I found myself having quite enjoyable third and first plateau trips on DXM, my first two times experiencing the drug. I am also currently medicated with Paxil (an SSRI), as well as Xanax several times a day.

The first dose (300 mg) was taken at app. 4:20 P.M., the second an hour later (300 mg), and the third an hour and a half later (300 mg). However, the effects were quite astounding my first time. The flanging of visual disturbances, tracers, and overall open-eye and closed-eye visuals were astounding. Definitely something worth repeating.

One thing I noticed more than anything was that the longer I kept closed-eye visuals going before quickly opening my eyes, the stronger the flanging and tracers were. Other visual disturbances were noticed during this first trip, though fairly minor, but extremely cool nonetheless. Sea legs were definitely a problem, as was slurring of speech, though my parents didn't seem to notice... then again, my step-dad's doped up on Xanax and about 12 other medications at any given time so he probably wouldn't have noticed anyway. Depth perception was significantly impaired, as it felt as if my eyes were acting in completely separate fields. Very cool, though somewhat unnerving at times.

Anyway, my second dose was last night (300 mg), and didn't produce nearly the same effects (naturally), but still gave me a good feeling of well-being and euphoria.

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 7940
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Oct 6, 2020Views: 955
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DXM (22) : General (1), First Times (2), Alone (16)

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