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Mixed Results with Hangovers
MDMA & Alcohol
by Tom
Citation:   Tom. "Mixed Results with Hangovers: An Experience with MDMA & Alcohol (exp79643)". Sep 12, 2018.

I've had mixed results with MDMA hangovers. Also, I normally consume alcohol before doing ecstasy. I've found that MDMA lowers my desire to drink alcohol after I begin to peak.

In one episode, I ingested five pills, and was past my threshold of alcohol as well. In this experience, after initially waking up, I had no appetite or desire to get out of bed (nodding in and out of consciousness) for roughly ten hours. After spending about two hours trying to get into my evening routine and having a bite to eat, I found that I was still drowsy, and returned to sleep for the next ten hours following.

I had another experience, where I consumed less than two pills nasally, and had also passed my threshold of alcohol. For this experience, I had to work the next day, and only managed to sleep three hours. I was not exhausted in the least, and did not begin to feel drowsy until six to seven hours into my shift. The following night I slept normally.

On another occasion, I had a similar hangover experience as the second, consuming 1 pill orally, and half a pill nasally. I had not drank significantly that night. The following day I had a lack of energy, but was not drowsy. And after having a short nap, I was able to easily go back to my regular daily routine.

Exp Year: 2008ExpID: 79643
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Sep 12, 2018Views: 1,151
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MDMA (3), Chanting (456) : Combinations (3), Hangover / Days After (46), Retrospective / Summary (11), Unknown Context (20)

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