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Placid Downers
Ethchlorvynol (Placidyl)
Citation:   NikLunatic. "Placid Downers: An Experience with Ethchlorvynol (Placidyl) (exp79692)". Nov 16, 2017.

500 mg oral Pharms - Ethchlorvynol (capsule)
I was prescribed 30 red gel capsules of Placidyl (Ethchlorvynol) which was meant to be taken at bedtime. I have read about them, but I never tried them out before and I was anxious to sample its effects. Yes, anxious. Even though they were prescribed to me for sleep, I didn't care. I loved the taste of sedatives, hypnotics, and narcotics.

At approximately 11:00 AM I pop one red capsule (500 mg.) into my mouth and swallow it with some Coca Cola. I started to walk toward the park where I could rest in the shade, read a book and enjoy a relaxing afternoon.

At about 11:15, I felt a rush which reminded me of my old time favorites such as Seconal, Tuinal, Quaalude, and even Meprobamates at a high dose. This involved parasthesia, a pleasant tingling, very much like a warm, sensual full body massage There is one peculiarity about Placidyls. They have this fruity aftertaste which differentiates them from other gelatine capsules that are also red in color and at a same dose range, 500 mg (aka 'Chloral Hydrate'). The other difference is that if a chloral gets stuck in your throat, it burns whereas if a Placidyl does the same, it won't burn your esophagus, but make you get a pronounced fruity flavor at the tip of your tongue. Secobarbitals were also red in color, but those were red, bullet shaped capsules which were manufactured by Lilly when I had a prescription for them as well. Also, Seconal could be opened up and what one finds inside is a fine white powder with a characteristic saline taste. At any rate, when the parasthesia coupled with sedation came on, I thought to myself: 'Hey! This feels just as good as a Red (Seconal).

11:30 AM, The tingling in my extremities, the sedation coupled with mild stimulation, disinhibition, and a general sensation of well-being continued. Now I was set for the day. I made a remark to myself that if I wanted a good downer to relax with, Placidyl was one of the drugs of my choice for a good nightcap.

12:00 NOON: I peaked about a half an hour ago, but the euphoria was lasting. I did notice some staggering gait as I walked and my friend told me that my speech was slurred. I didn't mind. As far as I was concerned, there was nothing to look forward to after I die and that if I was to have a taste of paradise, albeit a temporary one, Placidyl was one of the keys for my doors of perception.

5:00: Still relaxed and mellow. Euphoria never went away and I knew that if my mind was troubled at night, and all I could do is toss and turn with restless legs, Placidyl was something I would be more than happy to take. Throughout the day, I did not feel tired nor have I fallen asleep. I was full of energy, felt stimulated with euphoria, and my inhibitions were put on hold. Placidyl was a pleasure drug.

The pharmaceutical companies which provided us with Placidyl, have discontinued this medication in the late 1990's.
I am posting this experience because I know that the question about the identification of sleep medications which were red in color has been raised. I am here to confirm that there were three sedative hypnotics which were red in color.

Exp Year: 1983ExpID: 79692
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Nov 16, 2017Views: 2,525
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Pharms - Ethchlorvynol (813) : Alone (16), General (1)

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