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My Safety Cushion Didn't Work
2C-E & Diazepam (Valium)
Citation:   Sleepy. "My Safety Cushion Didn't Work: An Experience with 2C-E & Diazepam (Valium) (exp79824)". Jan 17, 2010.

T+ 0:00
15 mg oral 2C-E
  T+ 8:00 15 mg oral Pharms - Diazepam
I am an experienced user of psychadelics, benzodiazepines, and other possibly relevant psychotropic drugs. In particular, I've had the pleasure of 6 experiences with 2C-E and I've used Valium countless times for various reasons.

The 5th experience I had with 2C-E was an oral dose of 15mg. I was off baseline at an hour and tripped nicely. Although there were many things within the trip I could expand upon in this report, I can easily summarize it by saying that I had interesting visuals and thoughts concurrent with many other reports involving 2C-E. Around the 8 hour mark, I realized that I was very tired but unable to sleep due to constant mental stimulation from the comedown of the trip. I then ingested 15mg of diazepam, hoping to utilize this heavy dose as a sleeping pill of sorts. I allowed one of the 3 Valiums to dissolve under my tongue before swallowing the oily slightly bitter sediment down, a sparse habit of mine when taking this particular orange pill. Typically, I find that diazepam kicks in fully before an hour's time.

After 1.5 hours, I was certain that I was feeling no significant effects from the diazepam at ALL. I felt none of the normal comfort, relaxation, and safety that I often find in benzodiazepines. Smoking cigarettes made me feel much better, a characteristic of taking Valium. I still felt stimulated, not relaxed, though by the 13th hour of the entire experience (5 hours after ingesting the diazepam). At some unknown point after this I drifted off into complete unconsciousness, and slept for approximately 13 hours. I awoke feeling somewhat groggy and uncoordinated, but this cleared up within 10 minutes of waking.

The experience wasn't particularly bad, it was just surprising to feel practically none of the benefits I normally expect. However, I would not take diazepam again on 2C-E, since I feel there is a complete dis-synergy between the two drugs in terms of effect.

Exp Year: 2009ExpID: 79824
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jan 17, 2010Views: 11,922
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Pharms - Diazepam (115), 2C-E (137) : Alone (16), Combinations (3)

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