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Quite Trippy, and Amazing
Gabapentin (Neurontin)
Citation:   AcidChild. "Quite Trippy, and Amazing: An Experience with Gabapentin (Neurontin) (exp79845)". Jan 3, 2011.

900 mg oral Pharms - Gabapentin (capsule)
I've experienced quite a few drugs in my time. From Marijuana, to Vicodin. But if I could choose a drug that I could label 'The Perfect Drug' Gabapentin would be my first choice.

A friend of mine gave me three 300mg capsules of Gabapentin that he has been using for legit pain. I noticed them in his apartment and he had told me the story of why he uses them and what they do, and what not. He knows that I experiment with Pharms quite often, so he offered me three of his capsules to do with them as I wished.

That night I had done my research on them and felt fairly comfortable with them. I decided I would down all three with a glass of water.

0:00 - I felt pretty good. Decent mind state. It was around 10pm or so. Downed all three with said water.

0:30 - Feeling similar to before. A little more relaxation than before however.

1:00 - After about an hour I could most definetly feel effects now. I felt a pretty mild euphoria. But it was for surely there.

1:30 - I got a call from my Grandma telling me that she had fallen and that she needed help getting back up. Note that it was midnight. Luckily, we live close so I rushed down there. As soon as I entered their back door it hit me. I opened the door and pattern after pattern zoomed at my face. I entered their house and it was pitch black. Time seemed to drag on. I remember pushing the door open and color after color filled my brain as the door slowly creeped open. I soon realized I should get to my Grandma and stop tripping out in her garage.

I helped her up and everything was all good and done. I had to use the restroom before I left. Here's where it gets strange. I saw myself in the mirror and I had so many emotions running through my body. It was almost as if I was attracted to myself for the first time. Very odd. I later arrived at home and had the most amazing urge to hear 'Snowblind Friend' by Steppenwolf. I have no idea why. I had only heard the song maybe twice before. I quickly searched it up online and fulfilled my urge.

2:00 - I sat there in my computer chair staring at nothingness. Total Nothingness. And loving every fucking second of it. Giggling like I had just seen the funniest thing in the world. Why? Who knows. All I was doing was staring at the blank wall. I never really saw any visuals at this point. But the fact that I was just so freaking content with life was almost overwhelming to me and just made me laugh for about 20 mins. straight.

2:40 - I decided I would go to bed. I was pretty tired. I slipped in bed and I felt so euphoric it was amazing. Every breath I took made me feel more and more great. I eventually slipped away into dreams. I slept very good that night with fairly odd, but pretty cool dreams.

I would definetly consider doing Gabapentin again. Not only did it improve my mood greatly, but I felt the effects even the next day and night.

And remember don't get frustrated if this doesn't happen to you. Because this was my first time and I am a quite skinny guy. I honestly didn't expect nor did I even realized that taking Gabapentin could be such a Psychedelic Experience.

Cheers, and Happy Tripping!

Exp Year: 2009ExpID: 79845
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jan 3, 2011Views: 57,833
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Pharms - Gabapentin (183) : First Times (2), Glowing Experiences (4), Alone (16)

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