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Catnip (organic)
Citation:   Anonymous. "Relaxedish: An Experience with Catnip (organic) (exp80040)". Jul 18, 2009.

2 joints/cigs smoked Catnip
I've been smoking weed for years now and just lately it has been making me very sickly, nauseous, headache, ect. so I'm in search of alternatives. Well we heard about catnip POSSIBLEY getting you high so we got some organic (not treated with pesticides or chemicals).

We got home and T rolled it into a joint. We smoked 2 joints together and I feel a tiny bit squinty eyed, relaxedish, also I didn't feel sick at all, none of the recent bad effects of pot.

Well next time I'm going to do A LOT more, maybe heighten the effects, will report back :D

Exp Year: 2009ExpID: 80040
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jul 18, 2009Views: 7,372
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