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Nice Tea, Effect Hardly Noticeable
Lagochilus inebrians
Citation:   Sabje. "Nice Tea, Effect Hardly Noticeable: An Experience with Lagochilus inebrians (exp80369)". Apr 3, 2018.

4 g oral Lagochilus inebrians (tea)
I'm a 31 year old woman from the Netherlands. I'm a very down to earth person and I don't suffer from depressions. I exercise a lot and I eat healthy. I use multivitamin and added vitamin B supplements. And I quit smoking cigarettes.

In the past i've done my share of drugs like weed, speed, coke and Xtc, but quit hard drugs about 10 years ago. For years I didn't do any drugs until this summer. I read up on so-called smart drugs. After my successful experiences with Kratom I wanted to try something new.

I ordered dried Lagochilus inebrians (LI) leaves over the internet. I boiled water and put the tea leaves in a tea leave thingy (sort of filter spoon) and left it to steep. I went out to do my running training and returned home quite late, 90 minutes later.

The tea was almost cold. The taste was good, like mint tea. When I finished the cup, I turned around to walk to my desk. I felt a distinct tingly buzz through my head, my arms and my spine. As I sat down, I may have felt a little more relaxed than usually, but that could be because of the intensive training. Other than that, I noticed nothing.

I will be using it more often, since I got 6 bags of 10g each, and I like the taste. However, to notice any substantial effect, I should probably increase the dose a lot, which will not do the taste any good.

Exp Year: 2009ExpID: 80369
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Apr 3, 2018Views: 1,476
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Lagochilus inebrians (345) : First Times (2), Alone (16)

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