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A Taste of What's to Come?
Salvia divinorum
Citation:   Journeyman. "A Taste of What's to Come?: An Experience with Salvia divinorum (exp80385)". Oct 5, 2019.

2 - 3 g buccal Salvia divinorum (leaves)
As a mid-20'er, I have no experience whatsoever with hallucinogens, but for over I year now I have been interested with everything that's entheogenic in nature. I don't care too much about lab-created chemicals, but plants just give me a feeling of connection with Nature as a whole.

So I got interested in this one plant Salvia, and decided to grow some myself.
I got interested in this one plant Salvia, and decided to grow some myself.
The plant got some problems, and all of the leaves wilted and fell of... ( she's ok now though). Yesterday, after a lot of final reading and investigating, I decided to try out the quid method, and have my first real entheogenic experience. As I only have experience with cannabis, I was pretty nervous, and decided to start with a minimum dose. I had introduced my beloved wife to the principles of being a sitter, and she agreed to watch over me.

So I weighed out 2-3 grams of dry leaf, and soaked it in a bowl of cold water for 10 minutes. After that, I squeezed the water of out, rolled them into a little ball/quid, and poured 2 teaspoons of honey over them for taste ( really not a bad idea ).

21h56: We went upstairs, darkened the bedroom and while she was reading, I started chewing the quid. Tasted not so bad, thanks to the honey. I was dead nervous, but as I chewed more and longer, I started getting more relax. I felt a slight tingling sensation under my tongue, but nothing worrying.

22h06: I spat out most of the saliva in my mouth.
By now I was suspecting to start feeling anything, but anything I felt could be described by my own anxiousness and the dimness of the room. Shadows moving, objects that drew my attention... but nothing worth reporting. Merely my imagination, I suppose. I continued chewing.

22h08: I removed the quid from my mouth, and lay down on the bed.

22h14-22h37: With my eyes closed, I clearly saw things clearer than usual. Giant branches and leaves passed by me, everything I saw was full of motion, and my mind seemed to trick me into being scared, with visions of scary giant monstrosities and sharp spikes everywhere. But I could remain calm, and keep hold of my emotions. I was completely relaxed, and the scary stuff did not seem to bother me.
I was completely relaxed, and the scary stuff did not seem to bother me.

Although this sounds pretty 'hallucinogenic', it was not. Imagine it like imagining stuff with your eyes closed, except a little bit more lively. Everything happened like behind a screen, and I was watching. I did not feel like I was 'in' the visions.

22h49: A bit disappointed, I decided to re-chew the the quid for another 10 minutes. It was horribly chewing the already saliva-covered quid again, as it felt cold, slimy and tasted less like honey, and more like raw plant-material this time.

22h57: I spat out the quid, still feeling nothing note-worthy.

22h15: Although I very slightly felt the change in consciousness I felt earlier that evening, but this time even less distinct...

22h30: I stopped the experience, as I noted no improvements whatsoever.

Although the experiment itself was not the success I hoped for, I came out with the feeling I had conquered one of my own fears. I was extremely nervous before I tried this method, but now I feel more confident in trying it again, with a slightly larger dose and a longer chewing period.

The leaves were wilted and the plant was pretty young, so perhaps that attributed to having no effect on me.

In the end, I cannot see this as a complete failure. The experience did gave me the courage and confidence I did not have before, and I will surely try a larger dose soon.

Take care!

Exp Year: 2008ExpID: 80385
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 25
Published: Oct 5, 2019Views: 2,010
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Salvia divinorum (44) : Small Group (2-9) (17), Preparation / Recipes (30), First Times (2)

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