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Mind-Reading on LSD
by greg
Citation:   greg. "Mind-Reading on LSD: An Experience with LSD (exp8054)". Jul 12, 2001.

  repeated smoked Cannabis (plant material)
    oral Alcohol (liquid)
  2 hits oral LSD (blotter / tab)
  1 hit oral LSD (blotter / tab)
It had been a typical night, one which had started off as usual. Many of us huddled around the bong, waiting for the LSD to arrive. Every person who entered who was not 'Junior' our dealer was a complete disappointment. After endless bongloads and beer, he finally walked in the door. The evening had begun.

I am not a rookie to LSD, but this was definitely the most interesting experience I have ever had. After taking my first two tabs (paper) i sat down and we began to watch 'The Cell,' a movie we had been told was 'awesome when you are tripping.' After about a 1/2 hour, everyone was getting a little antsy and beginning to feel the effects coming on. We were in awe at the movie, but i was really wanting to hear Led Zeppelin the entire night. I requested it to be played, but 'ssshhhh! we're watching the cell' was always the answer. After a few more fans arrived, we eventually started with the boxed set. Our hippie friend Christine had brought up her color changing flower (the kind you buy at spencers), and we turned off the lights and the tv and stared at it, and watched the colors change with the music. To this day, i wonder if the colors of the flower actually change with the music. I was extremely intrigued at the flower, and began to have mild hallucinations.

I thought the flower was a mailbox and was delivering this beautiful music and visualizations to us, and when i explained it to the rest of the friends, they seemed to agree. I was getting really freaked out because of the similarity of the music to the flower and decided to go outside and look at the sky. After i went out, i heard people saying 'what's wrong with greg? he wanted to hear zeppelin and now he's gone.' Outside i started to freak out. I looked at the sky, and saw a church in the distance which was not a hallucination. Hmm...the mailbox, the church? A similarity? It was too weird. Until i realized the night sky which the church inhabited. Near the church in the sky, was a pink cloud being colored by the sun, near what looked like the west--and there was a black cloud in what looked like the east.

This is where i had my revelation...i envisioned that the east was hell, being the direction of the coke dealer where my friends had gotten into lately, and the west was heaven where my girlfriend the angel was at. I could not stop looking at the clouds and thinking of metaphors to describe it. When i went inside to tell everyone what i was thinking was at the part of the cd, where it says 'there's a feeling i get, when i look to the west, and my spirit is crying for leaving.' It was all too eerie for me to deal with and i began really getting freaked out. The west, with my girlfriend, where i want to be (like in the song), and the east where i don't want to be, with the was interesting.

This was all peaking in my trip for about two hours so i decided i should go to sleep and wake up in the morning and everything would be better. this is where the psychic moments happened. the apartment where i was earlier, across the complex had some people on the porch which i could see through my shut window. but not only could i see them, i could actually hear them. They were all, 'what is wrong with greg? is he ok? he was being weird and deep.' this all freaked me out even more so i began to wish that my friend melissa would be at my side, and i thought that if i thought of her enough she would appear in my doorway. as i thought and concentrated all my energy on her being there, i could feel her materialize in my pillow, her head, her mid-section, and her legs. It was almost as if she was there beside me, but at that moment, when she was almost fully complete in my bedsheets, the door opened and it was her. I started crying. It was unbelievable, and for the rest of the night we sat up talking about how weird LSD was, and how it takes you to a place that makes you understand consciousness.

This may seem really far-fetched and unbelieveable, but it is %100 true.
thanks for believing

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 8054
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jul 12, 2001Views: 25,422
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