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Really Different Compared to Eating Them
Amanitas - A. muscaria & Cannabis
Citation:   Redcap. "Really Different Compared to Eating Them: An Experience with Amanitas - A. muscaria & Cannabis (exp80585)". Oct 24, 2022.

4 hits smoked Amanitas - A. muscaria (dried)
    smoked Amanitas - A. muscaria  
    smoked Cannabis  
    smoked Tobacco - Cigarettes  
Smoking the Mushroom

I always enjoy a nice amanita trip. I’ve been eating them once or twice a year for about three years now. The mushrooms give me time to think, reflect, and relax. My last experience was an absolute delight, though I had a lot left over. I remembered a friend of mine talking about getting subtle effects from smoking the mushrooms. So I called him up one weekend to see if he was up for trying it with me.

My friend, we’ll call him Josh, arrived at my apartment one Saturday morning. It was the perfect day for Amanitas…the sky was clear blue, the air was crisp and cool, and the world was a very happy place for a change. Josh, feeling he must contribute something, brought over a good sized bag of mid-grade marijuana and a big glass ice bong. I told him I didn’t want to smoke the pot right away because I wanted to see what the effects of smoking Amanita alone was like.

After a little breakfast, tea, and a cigarette we decided to start. I ground up the mushroom caps, mostly the red skin and gills, and packed a full bowl. We sat out on my deck because the smell was supposed to be foul. That it was…

I clicked on the lighter and took about 2/3 of the bowl. The smoke was instantly very, very thick with a very slight yellowish tinge to it. It tasted awful, it reminded me of garbage. I cleared the chamber, held it down for a couple seconds and blew out the biggest smoke cloud I’d ever seen in my life. To my surprise, it wasn’t harsh at all…Granted I am a cigarette and occasional pot smoker. I cleared the rest of the bowl and handed it to Josh. As he was packing and taking his hit I tried to focus on a feeling. I did feel a little off baseline but nothing substantial. It may have just been my imagination.

After our first bong rips, we were both pretty much sober. So we decided to try more. I took a total of three more big rips, each just as nasty as the last. Upon blowing out that third hit I did start to notice that distinctive sensation in my body. I noticed my visual perception was a little bit off and my body felt indescribably weird. After the fourth hit I started seeing odd little wavy patterns in the sky, it almost resembled a light LSD visual. Josh opted out for the fourth hit, saying he was high enough.

Our conversations changed completely. They went from basic and linear to complex and abstract. Though we both still agreed that the mental clarity of the typical amanitas trip was still present. We smoked a cigarette and drank some water to get the nasty garbage taste out of our mouths. The experience was very different from just eating the mushrooms. I didn’t feel sick at all, my mind felt pretty normal, and the visual effects were totally different, though not nearly as strong.

After about thirty minutes I could feel myself coming down quickly.
After about thirty minutes I could feel myself coming down quickly.
We decided to mix the mushroom crumble with some marijuana. We replaced the water and ice in the bong and packed it five times, resulting in about ten hits for the two of us. Ah, what a feeling that was. Everything felt and looked great, we were high out of our minds. My vision started to get really soft and flat-looking, slightly cartoonish. It reminded me of the first time I got high on pot many years ago. I felt small waves of panic followed by waves of comfort and bliss. It was a really weird experience. I don’t really remember much of what happened in that hour after we smoked the pot, I just remember us laughing and feeling really out of it. Neither of us could believe how messed up we were. The high felt like it was mostly marijuana induced, but it couldn’t have been. I haven’t been that high off of pot in a long time. Walking inside to use the bathroom felt like an adventure!

An hour passed after we smoked the pot/ mushroom mix and we felt ourselves coming down dramatically. I felt extremely tired and burnt out. After a small lunch Josh left and I went to sleep. Upon waking I felt completely normal.

Overall it was quite an experience. The pot and the fact that I hadn’t smoked in a few days is probably what made it so crazy. It is a really different experience compared to eating them, plus it doesn’t last very long at all. I don’t think I’d do it again, mostly because of the taste and the fact that I love the full effects of eating them so much more.

Exp Year: 2008ExpID: 80585
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Oct 24, 2022Views: 848
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Cannabis (1), Amanitas - A. muscaria (70) : Preparation / Recipes (30), Combinations (3), First Times (2), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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