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Be Careful...
by King
Citation:   King. "Be Careful...: An Experience with Hydrangea (exp80626)". Sep 18, 2016.

7 hits smoked Hydrangea
I just recently learned of Hydrangea's psychoactive properties from an encyclopedia of psychoactive herbs and decided to give it a try. I have read in MANY places though, that smoking too much can be deadly. So in this experiment I will only smoke two small bowls from my corncob pipe which I normally smoke Cannabis from.

- I have just taken my first hit of the dried Hydrangea leaves, almost immediatley I feel a slight 'marijuana' like buzz. nothing significant though. I hold my hits as I would normal Cannabis.

- I have just finished my fourth hit, I still feel the same slight 'marijuana' like buzz. I am coughing some, but it's not bad at all. The taste is mildly harsh, but not any worse than a resin bowl.

- 6th hit, the buzz is increasing some for sure. Definetley similiar to a marijuana high, although I don't have much in the way of cottonmouth or euphoria.

-7th and last hit, my neck hurts slightly, but I cannot be sure if that has anything to do with the Hydrangea. I am high, and it is very similar to weed, but not as intense. its very hard to describe.

The effects are starting to wear off, after only about 5 minutes. I still feel buzzed, but nothing serious. Very mild. I can certainly see how this could help alleviate a craving for Marijuana, but it is no long term fix, for sure. It's an interesting experience, i'll say that, but do I think the high is worth the risk of cyanide poisoning? Not really. Maybe someday when the psychoactive compounds can be extracted and concentrated and seperated from the poison (unless however, it is the poison getting you high?), but for now I think I'll stick to Cyanide-free weed and maybe try Hydrangea again when I understand it better.

Please be careful with this if you do try it, Cyanide is nothing to fuck with. Be smart, do your research, and know your limits.


Exp Year: 2009ExpID: 80626
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Sep 18, 2016Views: 3,690
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