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Driven to Shroom
DXM, Mushrooms, Alcohol & Cannabis
Citation:   Adamood. "Driven to Shroom: An Experience with DXM, Mushrooms, Alcohol & Cannabis (exp8066)". Aug 15, 2001.

T+ 0:00
  oral Alcohol - Beer/Wine (liquid)
  T+ 0:59 720 mg oral DXM (liquid)
  T+ 3:00   smoked Cannabis (plant material)
  T+ 0:59   oral Alcohol - Beer/Wine (liquid)
I drank an 8-oz bottle of Robotussin Max Strength. This was after drinking wine all day. I was at least wise enough to drink lots of water throughout the day, but that was about the only thing I did right. I was feeling pretty good after it kicked in... too good. So good that I felt optimistic enough to eat a gram of shrooms. This was an act that was unplanned, and I still have no idea why the hell I did it. It was as if I was just driven to do it or something. The shrooms were there left over from the last concert I had been to, and I was saving them for a SPECIAL occasion, not a last minute party idea.

I had been alone all day, and prior to my ingestion of the shrooms, my wife arrived to see me dexing real good. It did not take long for them to kick in, and this is when I noticed that somehow the String Cheese Incident had found its way to the CD player and was playing. Boy that music felt nice. It was as though I was part of it. There I was sitting on the porch with these two synergistic drugs talking to each other inside of me. I wanted to go inside myself to take a look, but when I tried, the next-door-neighbor was talking to me. Oh shit. What now? Did I have the ability to carry on a conversation like nothing was wrong? Nope! My condition was evident and obvious.

My wife at this point, knowing what I had ingested, played the part of a sitter and encouraged me to go inside for awhile. This was better. Less paranoia. String Cheese was off and Tool was on. This was freaky, but in a different way. There is machinery now for me to become part of. After about four songs, the music became terrifying enough for me to turn it off. A new surprise awaited me on the television...The Shining. The voices in the movie took on an alien-demon like tone and Jack made lots of tracers. The advertisements were more disturbing than the movie. Eventually after what seemed to be days, the movie ended.

Only three hours had passed since I had taken the shrooms. At this point I was clearly out of control. I spilled wine on the phone, than broke it, cutting my hand nice and deep, broke a piece of furniture, and than just lay on the ground laughing like some kind of madman. My wife was not happy. She helped me up and we smoked a bowl. This helped mellow me a bit, but not by much. The voices on the radio still sounded like alien-demon and I was definitely seeing things in tracer frames. I was drinking wine like water and the bowls were no longer helping. I was just getting more unmanageable. I finally slept after silly contemplation.

All in all, this was not a bad trip, just an irresponsible screwed up time. I could not focus on visual fun, going into my body, or out of my body. The alcohol consumption prevented any productivity from taking place. All spiritual work that could have been done, was not. I wasted a ton of wine, and am now paranoid that the neighbor thinks I am a total lunatic. To top it off, my memory of the experience is mostly of the negative. This could have been a very delightful thing if I would have prepared better, drank no wine at all, and maybe ingested a little more shrooms. Next time, I will plan for the incredible power these drugs have to offer, and not disrespect the experience with so much damn wine!

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 8066
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Aug 15, 2001Views: 14,030
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Mushrooms (39), DXM (22) : Small Group (2-9) (17), Combinations (3), Music Discussion (22)

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