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No Change in Perception or Spiritual State
by gek
Citation:   gek. "No Change in Perception or Spiritual State: An Experience with Catnip (exp80662)". Apr 29, 2019.

1 bowl smoked Catnip  
  1 cup oral Catnip (tea)
Catnip (Two Different Experiences)

I smoked catnip for the first time, with few expectations for mind shifting effects. I purchased two one ounce bags that were being sold in a antique shop for two dollars each.

First, time smoking, I packed a glass pipe with the catnip. I used a filter in the pipe to make sure any of the smaller strands would not filter through. I inhaled the catnip as if it were cannabis, holding the smoke deep into my lungs. The taste was good, refreshing and natural. The effects by the time the contents of the pipe was smoked, were noticed. The intensity felt about equal to a strong cup of coffee or cigarette, although different in feeling.
The intensity felt about equal to a strong cup of coffee or cigarette, although different in feeling.
The effects wore off gradually over the next ten minutes, with no negative after effects.

Later that night I created catnip tea. I measured four teaspoons of catnip and added it to boiling water. I let it steep for five minutes. Contents were stirred until the water became a deep green colour. The tea was filtered so only liquid existed and then consumed. The effects were somewhat calming, but not any more so than most natural teas. Catnip has many good benefits, but cannot be used to achieve any change in perception or spiritual state.

Exp Year: 2008ExpID: 80662
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Apr 29, 2019Views: 837
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Catnip (68) : First Times (2), Unknown Context (20)

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