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Stirred Until the Resin Completely Dissolved
Citation:   Teeber Jeebs. "Stirred Until the Resin Completely Dissolved: An Experience with Kratom (exp80767)". Jan 26, 2021.

T+ 0:00
5 g oral Kratom (tar / resin)
  T+ 0:40 5 g oral Kratom (tar / resin)
Great Kratom Resin

My first experience with Kratom resin ordered from a huge kratom legal distributer online. I got it in the mail ... 1 ounce or 28 grams worth. I cut up a nice chunk of about 5 grams worth and put it into a pot of (1 cup of boiling water.) Stirred it around until the resin completely dissolved. Poured it into a coffee cup, put a few ice cubes in it and drank it down.

10 minutes later I started to feel warm and somewhat relieved from my stressful day. Stimulant type effect ... 20 minutes in I started feeling happy like I took 5mg of oxycodone. 30 minutes into it I felt high... warm... fuzzy ... happy and peaceful. Equivalent to 10 mg of oxycodone for a non opiate-user. Then I decided to boil about 5 more grams, coffee cup ... ice and downed it. Not to bad a taste ... kind of like a 2 hour old cup of coffee .. bitter but not gaggy at all.

20 minutes later I slipped into never never land.. and didn't desire alcohol like I always do.. pinpoint pupils ... and hella itchy nose. The rest of the night was pure bliss ... watching a movie spooning girlfriend. At night we decided to go to bed .. sex was not an option do to slight (tiny tiny) nausea if I moved around to much.

I was stimulated by the kratom so pure sleep was not happening however I did hit a pleasent euphoric twilight state the whole night. The next morning I was tired but not hungover just tired from not getting full REM sleep.

Kratom resin ROCKS.

Exp Year: 2009ExpID: 80767
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 26
Published: Jan 26, 2021Views: 732
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