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God for Six Minutes
by gman
Citation:   gman. "God for Six Minutes: An Experience with DMT (exp80969)". Mar 19, 2020.

3 hits smoked DMT (powder / crystals)
I have done dmt 3 times prior to this experience. Both times I had done it while people were there with me in the room while I tripped. I still had never broken through though and was curious about doing it by myself.

Setting: my small room lying in bed. I have a black light and did some wild designs on my wall with black light spray paint. It was a very peaceful setting. I should note that I felt somewhat more nervous than before this time around, as if I knew what was about to occur.

I leaned in and took the first hit. Within 5 seconds I felt that loaded feeling, very out of whack. Go in for the second hit and hold it. As I breath out I can feel it starting to come on. I somehow managed to take a 3rd hit even though I really didn’t want to. As I took the 3rd hit, reality as I understood it no longer existed. Incredibly details and intricate patterns danced all around this black space. I felt overwhelmed. I closed my eyes and was immediately greeted by these wild patterns and sequences which cannot even be put down on paper. I felt this tremendous sense of speed going through something. I heard the crackle of the human universe around me. Terence Mckenna tells no joke when he says it sounds like cellophane being crumbled. It was at this point that I was definitely frightened, but still in awe and astonishment of what was going on. I thought to myself, “am I dead?” I had no recollection of when the last time I took a breath was and was completely unaware of my heart rate which was through the roof. After breaking through, I was suddenly in it…I was in dmt hyperspace. This entire part of the trip was so peaceful and impossible. Once I broke through everything was still in a sense, whereas in the earlier stages it was like chaotic beauty. I just starred in amazement. Then, I couldn’t help but notice this thing that was sitting on my leg. It was clearly an entity of sorts. It was this fat gnome/toad like monster, but was not harmful. It just starred at me and I starred at it. All around me was this holographic grid in the brightest light you could imagine. The colors were incredible, deep and bright magentas, pinks, lime greens, yellow, and white. EVERYWHERE.

I felt this sensation come from deep within me. As I looked down at my body, I realized I was transparent and was emitting this absurd light/energy from me everywhere. It was pouring out of me and I was controlling it. I spoke in another language, what you could call an alien dialect but I understood it I felt like. My mind was operating and comprehending on a completely different frequency that humankind has never known. I began speaking visuals. I was pumping this flow of energy and color into what I wanted. The entire room began to grid off in 3D and the sense of depth and eternity of the structure was truly mind boggling, like a cavern of infinite bliss and visual perfection. I This was me…I was doing this. How could I possibly be doing this? The extreme sense of satisfaction with life was so right and good. I felt like I had been in the trip for a long time and was still waffling back and forth between being frightened and in awe. I basically began to force myself out of it because I had seen so much and felt fine with everything so I called two very close friends in to the room. I didn’t realize I was still tripping balls. There faces had beautiful eyes running up and down them. They sat with me for a few minutes and I kept saying how much I enjoyed there energy, I could see it. I finally snapped out of.

Thoughts: This drug is so powerful, I must always respect this drug. After just 4 trips, I can say that I have no need to do this drug again. It showed me things that blew my mind and revealed another universe somewhere that truly exist. I feel so satisfied finally with this drug, if I were to do it again it wouldn’t be for at least another 3 months. It humbled me tremendously, but I enjoyed every second of it. What is so hard to grasp is how impossible this sequence of events is. As humans, our mind is tuned to this reality. We have chemicals in our brain that keep us in this reality. I view dmt as being the key to transporting us to an alternate universe that is real and without a doubt scratches the surface of perfection. I didn't give in to astonishment…I paid attention.

Exp Year: 2009ExpID: 80969
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 19
Published: Mar 19, 2020Views: 1,229
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DMT (18) : Alone (16), Entities / Beings (37), Mystical Experiences (9), General (1)

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