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Not What It's Cracked Up to Be
Citation:   experimenter. "Not What It's Cracked Up to Be: An Experience with Tramadol (exp81175)". Erowid.org. Mar 8, 2018. erowid.org/exp/81175

T+ 0:00
100 mg oral Pharms - Tramadol (pill / tablet)
  T+ 1:30 50 mg oral Pharms - Tramadol (pill / tablet)
  T+ 3:30 50 mg oral Pharms - Tramadol (pill / tablet)
(The following times are approximate.)

I took 4 50mg tablets over the course of 3.5 hours. Two at first, along with a sandwich. About 1.5 hours I started to feel a little sedated/relaxed and a little vertigo. Up until then I had very mild stomach tightness. At around 1.5 hours I had another 50mg. The sedation/relaxation got a little stronger. The vertigo increased slightly. At around 2.5 hours I was at the plateu, feeling a little more sedated/relaxed. Music was enjoyable but I didn't want to listen to anything caustic or angry.

At around 3.5 hours I took another tablet, because I was disappointed with the lack of 'euphoric' effects. At around 4 hours all the pills caught up and the relaxation started turning into agitation. It almost felt a little like an amphetamine - I got annoyed by little things and I was sweating a little. I also had a wave of nausea for a few seconds so I immediately ate another sandwich in an attempt to settle my stomach. When I walked around (I had been on the computer most of the time) I felt dizzy and sedated. I went to go lay down and this helped a lot; when my head wasn't moving I wasn't dizzy.

After about 30 minutes of laying down I felt better, but still a little dizzy and irritated. I got back on the computer.

About 30 minutes later I started feeling really tired, so I went to take a nap. I couldn't sleep but I was still tired. After trying to sleep for 15 minutes, I got back on the computer and I felt like I was coming down off an amphetamine, and now, 10 hours after the initial dose, I still do. My legs are restless and I'm a little antsy and sensitive emotionally.

Overall it wasn't that great of an experience. I felt the best at the lowest dose (100mg) but even then the feeling wasn't great. I just felt sedated. Higher dosage made me irritated and dizzy.

Exp Year: 2009ExpID: 81175
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Mar 8, 2018Views: 2,023
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Pharms - Tramadol (149) : General (1), First Times (2), Difficult Experiences (5), Alone (16)

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