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Not So Good Cookies
Citation:   paranoid pete. "Not So Good Cookies: An Experience with Cannabis (exp81251)". Nov 19, 2020.

4 oral Cannabis (edible / food)
I had been baking with marijuana for several years before my first bad experience and really enjoyed the warm, comfortable high I achieved. Of course, I was wary at first about ingesting the drug because I had studied up on it intensely beforehand and read quite a few horror stories. Conversely, I read quite a few stories about positive experiences after ingesting marijuana and the more intense high, which was encouragement enough to ignore the negative and give it a try.

I usually made cookies (snickerdoodles – don’t laugh) using cannabutter in place of regular butter and always reached a nice high as a result. After a while I decided to make a more buttery cookie (thumbprint cookies – don’t judge, I watch a lot of Food Network), figuring I’d get more bang for my buck. Not wise. I ate only four cookies from the batch of twenty-four and used about a half-ounce of marijuana in the butter.

About an hour after eating the THC-laden thumbprint cookies, I was hit with a wave of pure paranoia. My chest tightened, I was pacing around my living room, fidgeting, and pretty much freaking out. Thankfully, my girlfriend was there to talk me down, though I still didn’t sleep the whole night. Everything was worrisome to me; my heart was pounding so hard I was convinced it would explode, or that I would have a stroke. I was extremely concerned for my health, but my girlfriend was smart enough to talk me out of going to the ER, since I work there and would have been seen by my colleagues, admitted to psych and lost my job. Embarrassing, to say the least. I ended up waiting until morning and called a friend who gave me some Ativan to snap me out of it.

I am very grateful I avoided what could have been an extremely bad situation by having a drug-free girlfriend. Let me tell you, having her see me like that made me feel low enough to be turned off baking with cannabis for good. However, since that experience, I have smoked pot a few times and have not been able to achieve any sort of comfortable high. I become paranoid nearly every time now and can only handle a few puffs of a joint anymore.

Exp Year: 2008ExpID: 81251
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 28
Published: Nov 19, 2020Views: 818
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Cannabis (1) : Preparation / Recipes (30), Difficult Experiences (5), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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