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What Went Wrong?
DXM & Cannabis
Citation:   imruu. "What Went Wrong?: An Experience with DXM & Cannabis (exp8139)". Oct 14, 2020.

1100 mg oral DXM (gel tab)
  1 bowl smoked Cannabis (flowers)
  1 bowl smoked Cannabis (flowers)
I would consider myself an avid user of drugs, who has dabbled more than here or there. I have also done dxm on more than a few occasions, at doses at and above this (though not often). I have found my personal favorite plateau is 3. The 3rd plateau gives me that dxm euphoria, and dissociativeness of dxm, but does not blast my ego to another planet, and make me pretty inebriated for around 10 hours.

Figuring, I haven't taken dxm at higher doses in quite some time, and its been a couple weeks since my last dxm experience... I was prepared for a 1100mg dxm trip.

At about 11pm I ingested a 700mg geltab and a 400mg geltab. I also smoke a bowl of quite good weed to help with the nausea above 1000mg doses can bring on.

Everything was going fine when I still got a large case of nausea, and instead of fighting it I decided to let it win this time; because, I didn’t need to be in a bad physical state when it really started to rock me. So I puked. The one thing I noticed about puking on dxm (which has only happened a couple times in the many times I have taken it) is that I seem to be VERY loud. Now I don't really know if this is merely because I am ON dxm while puking, or if my body is seriously trying to purge whatever the hell is making it feel this way. Possibly a combination of the two.

So after I puked, I felt much better and sat back down in my room and turned my black lights on and listened to some techno. I was really feeling the trip alot, and was talking online to one of my friends ( typing was probably REALLY bad at the time). I decided I really wanted to kick this trip into overdrive when I smoked another bowl. Marijuana and DXM are a perfect mix. A low dose can be catapulted up a couple plateaus for a little while, and a high dose can shoot me into oblivion. Up to this point I have only had great experiences with the 'Robo Smoke', as my friends and I call it.

After I smoked, I was blasted into another world. Beautiful CEVs of another world. Colors, Sounds, Touch...I had everything. Though then something took a turn for the worst. Around +2 hours into the trip, I began to feel very hot. Though it was only about 70 in my house at the time, which is quite comfortable. I also got nauseous again, which is odd, because after the come up I never feel nauseous. So I stumbled into the bathroom and tried to puke, and all I did was dry heave a few times, and puked up a little bit of water. (Again the sounds I was making seemed VERY loud.. kinda like I was screaming) After this short stage of dysphoria, I crawled to a room in my house with an air conditioner, and turned it on full blast and pointed it towards my body and collapsed on the bed. I began to puke without regard to what I was puking on. While I didn't puke up much of anything, I was shaking I was so hot at this time. Finally I calmed myself down, and cooled down very much. After this I tossed the blanket I ended up puking on into my laundry room, and put my headphones and crawled onto my bed.

From that point on I don't remember much, though I assume I fell asleep somewhere around 4-5am. I ended up waking up around 2pm, with a very common dxm afterglow/hangover feeling. Which is not so unpleasant at doses around 700mg, though anything above 1000mg I generally feel bad, and lethargic.

I am not sure why I had this reaction to this dosage. I have done it before, and have also smoked at the peak before that. I had not taken any drugs that prior week other that marijuana. This just comes to show, I should never underestimate the power of a drug like dxm.

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 8139
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Oct 14, 2020Views: 1,567
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