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Terrible After-Effects
by Dave
Citation:   Dave. "Terrible After-Effects: An Experience with Ecstasy (exp8141)". Jul 16, 2001.

1 tablet oral MDMA (pill / tablet)
I have had a lot of problems since my last E experience. I am a 20 yo male who has tried E 3 times over the course of the past year prior to the one I took 2 weeks ago. It was taken at a friends house, in a very relaxed environment. Since that E, I have experienced depression, lack of thought clarity, terrible sleeping problems, lack of appetite, lack of motivation and drive, lack of emotions, and a general feeling of unwellness. I was unable to work for a week and a half after the E due to loss of confidence and the other symptoms.

I saw my doctor after 5 days of these symptoms, told him everything, and have been put on Lovan, an anti-depressant similar to prozac. I have been on that drug for over a week now, but am still suffering from the symptoms described above. Despite much searching of the internet, I have been unable to find a similar instance to what I have experienced. I will never go near the drug again, that is for sure.

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 8141
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jul 16, 2001Views: 5,188
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MDMA (3) : Small Group (2-9) (17), Post Trip Problems (8), Depression (15), Health Problems (27)

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