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Gentle, Sunny Day with Friends
Citation:   Bunny H.. "Gentle, Sunny Day with Friends: An Experience with 4-HO-DiPT (exp81425)". Mar 29, 2010.

27 mg oral 4-HO-DiPT (powder / crystals)
This is the 3rd or 4th time I've taken 4-ho-dipt, but this time was definitely the highest dose. I had plans to drive to a sculpture park with some friends and wanted to choose a light psychedelic that would last 3-4 hours tops, so that we could drive home sober. The three other people with me had never tried it before, but they were experienced psychedelic drug users.

After an hour and a half drive, we all take about 25-28mg orally. I ran out of gel caps so I put the doses on sticks of gum, which had the bonus of absorbing into our mouths faster -- if you can stand the taste. We followed with a pepto bismol and altoid chaser.

Before 10 minutes passed (we still had the lingering taste in our mouths) all four of us had an alert. In about half an hour we were feeling warm, somewhat wobbly, and slightly stoned.

It was a beautiful sunny autumn day, and we started to walk through the 500 acre modern sculpture park. Most of the art was massive, mid-century abstract works. There were also geometric rolling hills and silvery kinetic sculptures swinging in the distance. Some of us noticed our sense of touch was extra sensitive -- the breeze on our faces felt good in a way similar to mdma, but with a soft mushroomy touch rather than a rush of heat and energy.

It would have been a perfect day if we'd been completely sober, so the 4-ho-dipt gave everything an extra sparkle that made the day seem like a dream. Colors were a little deeper, and the entire day felt a little soft-focus. The times I've taken 4-ho-dipt at home I've felt a jittery, wobbly bodyload, but out in the park this translated into feeling like we were walking on air. We covered all 500 acres of hills and meadows without running out of breath or feeling tired by the end. However, sitting in the grass and drinking coca colas was also more enjoyable than usual.

After spending about 4 hours at the park we all felt as if we'd come back down to earth and it was safe to drive home. One of us decided to take another 15mg and giggled like a fool the whole way home.

As I get older I have less and less time to blow out my brain for a week at a time. I'm beginning to really appreciate gentle psychedelic experiences that seamlessly fit into my life.

Exp Year: 2009ExpID: 81425
Gender: Not Specified 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Mar 29, 2010Views: 5,975
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4-HO-DiPT (281) : Small Group (2-9) (17), General (1)

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