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Misanthropy's Cure
Citation:   parallelograndma. "Misanthropy's Cure: An Experience with Hydrocodone (exp81447)". Oct 19, 2020.

20 mg oral Hydrocodone (extract)
Aside from vicodin's fuzzy hedonia, I've discovered another useful by product of this substance I'd formerly characterized as superficial and self-serving; it makes people tolerable, perhaps (gasp!) even enjoyable.

I'd spent 1.5 years of college working at a now defunct electronics retailer in a neighborhood of yuppie, scumbag, pretentious shadowpeople. This collective experience served to exponentially accelerate my already burgeoning distaste and contempt for the human species. It was if everyone drove Saabs on their way to the country club to the rhythm of some iPod playlist filled with Dave Matthews songs (Okay, Tim Reynolds is talented).

I'd used vicodin before, but never at work, until the company filed chapter 11 and our mild irresponsibility mushroomed into a total disregard for any sort of work ethic.

Enter pharmacological intervention: A coworker and I began taking vicodin (using the highly recommended and simple cold water extraction method) every day at the beginning of our shift, often re-dosing half way through. I soon found this substance to facilitate the most profound social lubrication I'd yet experienced. It actually rendered these monsters manageable!!

Had we stayed open longer, this could have ended disasterously.

Exp Year: 2008ExpID: 81447
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 27
Published: Oct 19, 2020Views: 741
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Hydrocodone (111) : Retrospective / Summary (11), Workplace (51)

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