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No Relief
Citation:   soberqueen89. "No Relief: An Experience with Metaxalone (exp81466)". Apr 28, 2017.

800 mg oral Metaxalone
I have been on a lot of medications for a variety of issues, and suffer from anorexia nervosa. Recently I began getting knots in my muscles and spasms and went to visit the doctor. I asked to be put on a muscle relaxer to get some relief, and she prescribed me Skelaxin. After I dropped the script off at the pharmacy, I went home to do some research on this new med, and learned that it takes about four hours to work, and it works best when you’ve had a high fat meal.

Since I’m not the best with eating, I was disappointed, but thought I’d give it a shot. After I went to the pharmacy to pick it up, I came home and ate some Chinese food, thinking that would be considered a high fat content meal. At about 6:15, I took an 800 mg Skelaxin pill. I waited and waited to feel any relief, and before I did, I experienced one of the main side effects: nervousness. My body began to sweat, and though I didn’t feel anxious (which I describe as feeling my chest tightening, heart pounding and racing, shaking), I definitely kept feeling like things were moving very slowly and just unsure about everything, even though all I was doing was lying on my bed watching Dexter.

At about 9:15 I took my night time medication and Buspar (15 mg), which is used to treat anxiety. At 9:45, I felt a little relief, like my body was relaxing, but I’m not sure if that was because I had taken my anxiety medication or because of the Skelaxin. At 10:15 I started watching The Wackness, and thirty minutes into it was supposed to be the peak of concentration of the muscle relaxant in my blood. I didn’t really feel anything, or really I couldn’t tell if my muscles were relaxing or not. Ironically, my calves twitched a couple times along with the tops and palms of my hands.

I had read Skelaxin had sedative properties, but I didn’t experience any sedation, instead it kept me more awake than usual. I’m not sure what time I fell asleep, but I awoke several times in the night, and woke up in the morning right before 7:15. No matter how hard I tried, I just could not go back to sleep. I was annoyed and frustrated that I didn’t feel any relief when I first woke up either. Since I used to be a habitual drug user, I’m sure my expectations of medication are slightly biased, but since I really was in pain with the tightness of my muscles, cramps, knots, and soreness, I was very dissatisfied with this medication.

Exp Year: 2009ExpID: 81466
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 20
Published: Apr 28, 2017Views: 4,397
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Metaxalone (653) : Medical Use (47), Alone (16)

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