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Vomit from the Bowels of Hell
Morning Glory
Citation:   Jonnycake. "Vomit from the Bowels of Hell: An Experience with Morning Glory (exp8158)". Jun 25, 2004.

1000 seeds oral Morning Glory (ground / crushed)
I want to start by saying that I am a pretty experienced tripper-a real space-cadet. I know that in order to 'break on through to the other side', one must often brave extremely uncomfortable physical experiences in the form of nausea, headache, physical weakness, physical incapacitation, etc. The ancient shamans who ceremoniously used peyote, morning glory seeds, mushrooms and other entheogens saw the physical side- effects as a small price to pay for the valuable and mystical insights that they would gain. In general, I feel the same way--as long as the physical damage is temporary. But I was never prepared for what those damn little morning glory seeds would do. With that said, I'll begin my tale...

I was curious as to the effects of LSAs. Furthermore, being a big fan of LSD-25, I was most interested in finding a legal and easily obtained substitute. I read the LSA FAQ and learned how to extract the alkaloids. Though I tried this several times, I was unsucessful on every account. I suspect that this is due to the seed powder being exposed to heat and ultra-violet radiation. Several times, I simply powdered the seeds in a blender, mixed with water, and guzzled the entire mess. As I am recalling this, I am literally gagging--as I do EVERY time I even THINK about morning glory seeds and their waxy smell. *GAG*
Every time that I tried this procedure, I got very mild results ranging from increased lethargy to mild confusion--nothing like LSD-25. In retrospect, I believe that my doses were too low at the time (350-500 seeds per dose).

However, one night I decided to really put the seeds to the test. I powdered exactly 1000 seeds in my blender, added water, blended again for about 5 minutes, and guzzled the disgusting elixir, barely able to do so without vomitting. Again, I am literally gagging as I am typing this. I have developed a VERY STRONG aversion to the taste, smell, and even the mere THOUGHT of morning glory seeds. You will understand why as you continue reading. It was approx. 12:00am when I finished guzzling the concoction. The seeds caused increased lethargy and I had no choice but to just go to bed after waiting 2 hours for more interesting results. Before I went to bed, I had been struggling with mild nausea on and off. I slept until exactly 5:00am and just like an alarm had gone off in my head, I was totally awake and at the same time completely ill! However, I was also tripping my balls off.

I spent approximately an hour in the bathroom trying to vomit but to no avail. All around me I saw Aztec-inspired patterns, dancing and pulsating. Everywhere I looked, I saw movement. My mind was more or less straight with a few exceptions. Believe it or not, my feeling INTENSELY sick did not cause me to panic or do anything stupid. I knew the ride would be over soon enough. Well, ALMOST soon enough. The trip lasted until about 2:00 pm that day and was accompanied in its entirety by some of the most unreal nausea and violent vomitting that one could possibly imagine. The final time that I vomitted was incredibly disturbing but was, at the same time, a HUGE relief. Every time that I threw up before that, I felt that I wasn't making any progress at getting those evil seeds out of me. But the last time that I puked, it was like the vomit came from deepest pits of my stomach or maybe even from the bowels of HELL! All those scratchy little pieces of undigested morning glory seeds forced their way back up my throat and into the toilet. Thank god! I felt so much better but did not return to normal until the next day, approximately 36 hours after having ingested the seeds.

Now you ask--was the experience worth it? Of course it was! Though I was violently ill for more than a day, I now have the evidence that these seeds are truly powerful and something to be feared and certainly respected! I believe that the peak of my trip was experienced while I was sleeping--before I awoke at 5:00am. I say this because the trip was slowly subsiding from the time that I woke up. It was still very strong though--like 2 hits of decent acid (but more 'organic' feeling). I definitely plan on ingesting the seeds again--but this time with a more careful extraction of the LSA alkaloids. Also, I plan to use them in combination with cannabis so that any nausea could be prevented or treated. Do I recommend the seeds to fellow space-cadets? Only if you are comfortable with the fact that you will be sicker than you have ever been before! A true shaman knows that every trip has its price.

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 8158
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 25, 2004Views: 17,202
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Morning Glory (38) : Alone (16), Difficult Experiences (5), Preparation / Recipes (30)

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