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The Finest Herb I Have Used Ever!
Citation:   entheoman. "The Finest Herb I Have Used Ever!: An Experience with Kratom (exp81708)". Aug 8, 2018.

  repeated oral Kratom
Let me clear the air about this wonderous plant. It is fantastic!!!!

So I had heard from a friend about kratom and I decided to give it a try. I ordered an ounce of indo kratom, and was pleased with the effect. It was just what the doctor ordered....

I often suffer from lethargy and anxiety, and I hate taking depressants because they make me more tired...but hate caffeine because it tends to make me too jittery. I grind my teeth a lot, and have nervous tics (twitch my head, etc.) I am otherwise a healthy, intelligent functional person (or so I think!) As a carpenter, I find myself slacking off work early for no reason, and sometimes (since I work for myself) just don't even call back potential customers because of my lethargy and difficulty with social anxiety.

So enough about me, I just thought it would compare to anyone with similar problems.

Since that day when I first tried kratom, I was in love. It has both motivational and depressant qualities, but not depending on dosage. More like at the same time.(hard to explain) I grind the leaves in a coffee grinder and use 1 tablespon in a few ounces of grapefruit juice. It not only potentiates the effects, but disguises the rather unpleasant flavor.I must emphasize using this method...

1. Grind leaves to powder
2. Mix 6g (or more after I am used to the effects and have tested my threshold) with tiny amount of vodka (as it is alcohol soluble, and hard to mix with water, juice etc.)
3. Add 3-4 oz. juice to mix
4. Drink a small amount at a time (shot size) and chase with more juice to rinse.

The effects are hard to describe. In small quantities it helps me do tasks I would never do. The first time I did it, I was up til midnight organizing all my old files and papers (BORING!!!!) but I was actually enjoying it.

Now, a month later I use it all the time. I play music in a band, and before a gig it gives me the edge I need without the jitters of caffeine or other less desirable substances (you know the ones..) It is nothing like opiates in small doses, but is a great painkiller. I get a sore back when I play bass guitar too long, and it disappears with kratom.

I just cannot say enough that has not already been said...things are more enjoyable, I become more social, I love to do projects and even go to the store grocery shopping. And it doesn't just moivate...if i lay in bed, I can go from work to sleep in minutes. It is truly a unique plant, and highly recommended to anyone interested in enhancing their lives.

It works for the following for me...

social anxiety
just doing stuff
high blood pressure(yes, I finally found something that works!)

And, of course, it is legal and relatively safe as far as I have read.

Such a great discovery for me, just had to share. This is my wonder drug

Exp Year: 2009ExpID: 81708
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 33
Published: Aug 8, 2018Views: 1,774
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