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Better Alternative to Getting Drunk
Citation:   spicecadet318. "Better Alternative to Getting Drunk: An Experience with Clonazepam (exp81730)". Mar 28, 2019.

T+ 0:00
2 mg oral Pharms - Clonazepam (pill / tablet)
  T+ 1:00 2 mg oral Pharms - Clonazepam (pill / tablet)
  T+ 2:15 2 mg oral Pharms - Clonazepam (pill / tablet)
I figured I'd rely some of my first impressions on taking Clonazepam.

Some background about myself, I'm sort of heavy at 225 pounds but still chemically a bit of a light-weight. I have done Meth, Coke, ephedra, various pills, extacy, mushrooms, N2O, some good drunk nights, lots of THC. I was said to have 'hyperactivity disorder' in gradeschool. At times I'm textbook ADHD. I have a testy ticker from some bad meth experiences, and may not have came all the way down from 3 doublestacks and a quater of shrooms. I just got an AA from CC with a 4.0.

Setting: I have been extremely unmotivated lately and the house is kind of a wreak. Booo. Set: I waited until the young'uns were good and asleep.

I was given some of these clonazsepam a while back and let them sit for a few months. Then one day somebody gave me a valium, so I figured I'd throw on a clonazepam (2mg) and 2 flexeril. After that all kicked in I don't remember much else of the night, except that I went to bed really early.

So now I figue I'd test the clonazepam alone. I have experienced restless leg syndrone infrequently, and may or may not have slight HPPD, I don't take any other meds, and so felt quite comfortable taking a few.

T0:00 Take a 2mg (blue) pill and wait.

T0:30 Feel definate loss of coordination, but no mental effects.

T0:45 Feeling slight euphoria, and am in a really good mood. It may just be me wanting to to something with the buzz but I'm feeling motivated and start straitening and picking up the house.

T1:00 Waiting for a friend to stop by, drop another 2mg. Surprisingly little mental effects? I am relaxed and can concentrate nicely (the kids are asleep, after all). But my coordination is really bad by now.

T1:15 The coordination is like 6 beers already, and like 6 beers I am starting to feel like I should eat a couple more of these pills. I might do one more if 'Ol boy shows up soon.

T1:30 Feeling calm, even meditative, plus its fun to stumble around the house. Not much else though, hence why I feel like taking more.

I think driving on a couple of these would be a really bad idea, don't worry, I'm not going anywhere tonight. The last time I had some of these I felt well rested and great the next day, and it lasted throughout the day.

T1:45 Just strait chillin...

T2:15 'Ol boy just called, he's having girl problems and is really unstable and wants to come hang out on my couch, he'll be here by about 2AM. He says he's get a little speedball on before he gets here and might bring be like a dime of some weed. Sounds like a good pilled out night, except I get up with the kids at at least 9AM. At this point if I didn't know he owned a firearm I'd tell him to get his happy ass home. I drop a 2mg and wait some more, going to clean up till he gets here.

I think I'ts going to be kinda crazy when 'Ol boy shows up, so here are my final subjective takes on clonazepam. Each 2mg feels like 3 beers, but without the changes in personality that the brews bring. Stumbly-bumbly, but lucid and calm. Probably not too functional.

T2:30 NICELY SEDATED, COGNITIVELY ADEQUET. 6mg seems to be a nice starting point. Physically tired (but not sore), but paradoxically well awake. I hope my bro brings that green.

This is actually quite a nice place, seems like I could be habit forming pretty easily.

Conclusion: 6mg was good since I had time for a nice relaxing night by myself.

Exp Year: 2009ExpID: 81730
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 24
Published: Mar 28, 2019Views: 9,158
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Pharms - Clonazepam (125) : General (1), Alone (16)

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