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Where the Wild Things Are...Movie Confusion
by na
Citation:   na. "Where the Wild Things Are...Movie Confusion: An Experience with LSD (exp81795)". Jan 25, 2019.

2 tablets oral LSD (blotter / tab)
9:30 PM:

I pick up two blotter tabs of Acid and take them there. My brother was driving, and my wife and I took the acid. We get to the movie theater around 10:00, and I could definitely feel myself coming up as we bought the tickets for a 10:30 showing.

The previews come on, and I go to get popcorn. I tried extremely hard to appear normal, and it seemed to be working. I was coming up, and harder than I ever had before on a hallucinogen. I bought popcorn and a drink, and began to see the sparkles in the theater's floor start looking like stars in the distance as I walked. From here, I was tripping and things got unusual.

I'll try to explain as best as possible. We were seeing 'Where the Wild Things Are', based on the children's book. We were not counting on this being a terrifying, dark and depressing movie. To make matters worse, my experience watching the movie was essentially me being the character. I now fully understand what it feels like to be another person. I felt this kid's emotion, and better yet, I could smell every scene, feel everything. I smelt water at the ocean, I was cold when it snowed, I felt snow fall on my face. I was terrified at times, happy at others.

I had to tell myself that as long as I stayed in that chair, I would not die. At times, I couldn't even feel the chair. I would grab onto my wife's hand, and she felt like my only tether to reality.

All in all, the movie felt like it lead me into a fantastic trip the rest of the night. Like it was guiding me through it almost. It felt as if the movies was years long, but was over before it started. The rest of the night was amazing as soon as I got home and felt safe. However, watching this movie allowed me to fully think and feel like a 6 year old, fully understanding that i was only imagining everything, yet still actually seeing these fucked up adults as fun, brutal monsters. It may have been a masterpiece of a movie, I may have been blown, or it was both.

Exp Year: 2009ExpID: 81795
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 20
Published: Jan 25, 2019Views: 931
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LSD (2) : General (1), Public Space (Museum, Park, etc) (53)

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