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Intense Euphoria and Happiness
Citation:   Frankie. "Intense Euphoria and Happiness: An Experience with Kratom (exp81816)". Apr 11, 2018.

15 g oral Kratom (leaves)
The setting of this particular experience was home. My mood was very good when I consumed the Kratom. I believe after many different experiences that, at least for me, the pleasurable effects are best when the Kratom is taken in a good mood. At approximately 4:00 P.M. I consumed 16 Kratom capsules, which equaled 15g of dried Kratom.

T + 30 minutes

I begin to feel the euphoria set in. It starts out mild. In comparison to past experiences with the same brand of Kratom, the 15 grams is slightly more pleasurable at this stage than my usual 5-10 grams.

T + 1 hour

The euphoria is very intense now. I would compare it to a hefty dose of painkillers.

T + 2 hours

I feel very good at this point. My mood is extremely elevated.

The euphoria lasts another hour or so and then begins to subside, with the elevation in mood lasting another 4-5 hours or so.

In conclusion, I believe that Kratom use would, at lower doses, be very beneficial in opiate dependent persons, as well as a recreational drug. I have in the past taken Kratom with other substances and the effects were skewed and in some cases unpleasant.

Exp Year: 2009ExpID: 81816
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 21
Published: Apr 11, 2018Views: 1,212
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Kratom (203) : General (1), Unknown Context (20)

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