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For Treatment of PTSD After Combat Tours
Citation:   Brian. "For Treatment of PTSD After Combat Tours: An Experience with Carbogen (exp81957)". Oct 28, 2009.

  inhaled Carbogen (gas)
I was a subject of brief carbogen therapy in ‘74, for treatment of PTSD after two combat tours in Vietnam.

I experienced anxiety at the beginning of each session, due to the increase in my respiration rate and volume; but I was able to counter that by reminding myself that I was receiving more than sufficient oxygen. At the same time, various muscles went into spasm; there was no pain and I felt that I could control the muscles if I chose to do so. My breathing slowed and muscles stopped spasming within seconds after discontinuing the gas, and hallucinations gradually diminished within minutes.

For days following each weekly session I was free of anxiety and clinical depression, and I felt that my head was in the clouds. After smoking a bit of cannabis, I felt that my head was still in the clouds, but my feet were on the ground, and I could concern myself with issues of the day (literally smoking cannabis to “come down'). After only five sessions I believe that the benefits of that experience have continued to this day.

I am a counselor, specializing in drug-crisis intervention among special (i.e., difficult) populations. I believe in the utility of psychedelic therapy for a select group of clients. The quick action, short duration, and low cost of carbogen makes it an ideal therapeutic agent, and for a much larger group of clients than other psychedelics.

Given the opportunity, I would gladly subject myself to more carbogen therapy.

Exp Year: 1974ExpID: 81957
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Oct 28, 2009Views: 12,956
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Carbogen (423) : Therapeutic Intent or Outcome (49), Medical Use (47), Hospital (36)

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