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Respiratory Depression
Citation:   Erowbed. "Respiratory Depression: An Experience with Tramadol (exp82060)". Jul 29, 2010.

T+ 0:00
150 mg oral Pharms - Tramadol (pill / tablet)
  T+ 5:30 100 mg oral Pharms - Tramadol (pill / tablet)
I take Vyvanse regularly on a daily basis. 40 Mg of the stimulant in the morning has me going alert and efficient till about 5 in the afternoon. I also take Klonopin to counter my anxiety and sleep problems. I usually take a .5 mg tablet in the evening everyday.

Today I woke up like any normal day. Took my vyvanse at about 7, and around 8:30 I was up and about doing homework and other things. Around noon time I suddenly felt pain in the back of my neck, and over a period of ten minutes the pain turned into extreme stiffness and my head and shoulders were left in an awkward cocked position. I took some ibuprofen (600 mg) mainly for the pain and the anti-inflammatory effects, I prefer Tylenol but acetaminophen doesn't have anti-inflammatory.

The pain didn't go away nor did the dis figuration. Around 4:30 I came home and had a bottle of tramadol 50 mg each from a surgery earlier this year. The bottle said 'take two pills every 6 hours as needed for pain.' I took three, simply because I was in a lot of pain and I felt that 150 mg of tramadol isn't really dangerous. It felt good, I experienced reduced pain and I was feeling more relaxed and a little light headed. The pain killing effect lasted till about 10 o'clock.

My neck began hurting pretty unbarebly again around 10, so I took two more tramadol. This time the 100 mg dose was very obvious. I felt very good. The pain killing effect was excellent, and I even felt a little more buzzed almost like a high euphoric feeling. I normally take .5 mg of klonopin around 9, but I didn't because I didn't want it to interact with the tramadol. I am aware, however, that klonopin has a very long half life, and I have taken it for several months every night and surely I have a good amount still in my bloodstream.

I got in bed around 11. After looking at the ceiling for a few minutes due to being light headed and worry free I noticed my breathing was a little slower than normal. In fact, I was breathing very shallow and needed to manually take big breaths to feel like I was actually taking in air. After a few more minutes I kind of dozed off and was abruptly awakened by myself to gasp for a breath. It scared me and I tried keeping my eyes open to focus on my breathing and not let it happen again. About 20 minutes later my phone went off and I again woke up when I heard it and gasped for a breath, I have no idea when I fell asleep.

It is now 1:45 in the morning my time. I keep getting into bed and finding breathing difficult and am scared I could stop breathing altogether in my sleep since sleep lowers your respiration rate as well. I have to keep getting up to breathe properly, which isn't fun because my neck still hurts if I move around too much. To keep myself awake I decided to get on here and write this experience. I feel like I could get back into bed in the next 10 or 15 minutes and breath normally, but I don't know how I will be when I am asleep. Frankly I'm a little scared to fall asleep. I know tramadol is meant to be a mild mimic of opiates, but I have never taken it other than this time and after the surgery.

Overall I enjoyed the buzzed feeling, but never again will I take the tramadol this late at night. I am writing this while awake, avoiding sleep. I don't want to fall into coma, or worse death. Maybe I'm overreacting, but better safe than sorry especially when dealing with pharmaceuticals.

Exp Year: 2009ExpID: 82060
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 20
Published: Jul 29, 2010Views: 44,079
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Pharms - Tramadol (149) : Medical Use (47), Health Problems (27), Alone (16)

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