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My Edged Consciousness
Amanitas - A. muscaria
Citation:   Rocky. "My Edged Consciousness: An Experience with Amanitas - A. muscaria (exp82112)". Jul 9, 2019.

T+ 0:00
1 cap oral Amanitas - A. muscaria (dried)
  T+ 5:00 2 caps oral Amanitas (dried)
It about 1pm and I decided it was time to consume half a middle-sized cap that had been fan-dried and laying there for a week.
About an hour later, while I was meditating, first symptoms of nausea kicked in but they soon left.

A few hours later I felt nothing more than an alcohol-like intoxication and a bit of body-stoned. Body coordination was slightly impaired my breath became heavier not much more.
Body coordination was slightly impaired my breath became heavier not much more.

About 4-5 hours after I had taken the beginning dose, I decided it was time to take the other half of the cap, plus two small caps that were found at other locations. It was now 8pm and not much changed, so I decided to lie down. The nausea annoyed me and I feared it would come to vomiting so I took a bucket with me into my bed. Two minutes later I was kneeing on the floor, vomiting. After that I felt much better. So I got back to sleep again. Thinking you have to nap and awake on this mushroom in order to start a trip.

The dream was quite intense, like the sort of dreams one gets with raised temperature. In that dream I saw my (our?) energetic consciousness revolving not free but trapped in a 4-edged construct. I then realized that this was a pyramid as I got closer to the top. I saw myself in the confines of the edges of this pyramid like prison bars. Music played and it too was trapped along the edges of the pyramid and it got slower as it approached the top. There was more to this dream, but this is the only memory that remained. I woke up at 10pm shifting out of the dreamstate very fast with instant and full memory of the dream.

I got out of bed and to my PC to chat with some people online just to see what their reaction would be. Writing would be harder. My consciousness was pulsating, so one moment I could make out proper sentences, and barely at another so I had to focus hard, writing was still possible however. The nausea was here again, quite annoying to my experience. It shifted in and out and I remembered someone claiming that the nausea would be due to our own inner conflicts.

My body felt much more like a tool than anything else and I felt my consciousness being less attached to the body than usual. Fear was eradicated. Smell and touch were increased.

The experience ended when I laid down, trying to astral project but fell asleep quickly.

Exp Year: 2009ExpID: 82112
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 19
Published: Jul 9, 2019Views: 1,583
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Amanitas - A. muscaria (70), Dreams (85) : General (1), Alone (16)

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