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Too Much, Not Enough?
Citation:   Winter-Owned. "Too Much, Not Enough?: An Experience with Ketamine (exp82124)". Jun 20, 2011.

200 mg insufflated Ketamine (powder / crystals)
  300 mg insufflated Ketamine (powder / crystals)
My perception of my first two experiences with Ketamine is compromised by the fact that both experiences were combinations. One experience was at a festival, and the line of K I was so graciously given was mixed up with a line of Molly that had formerly been parallel to it. The second time I did Ketamine I was incredibly drunk. What I now know to be a little less than a tenth of a gram was fairly inconsequential when added to the excessive amount of alcohol I'd been drinking.

I remember writing in my journal how much I would love two grams of Ketamine and an effectively disposable girlfriend, so that I could accurately study the effects of K, with a partner, and not have to feel that I would be held unreasonably accountable for my response to it.

Two days later, I had no disposable girlfriend, but a friend of mine did call me up, and I bought two grams of K. I got rid of some of it and went back home. First, I did 200 mg of it. This being the first time I did a significant amount after being otherwise sober, I was impressed with the totality with which I was fucked up.

However, after all the reading I'd done, I'd half expected to not be able to move or speak. I tried both out. I found that with mental preparation, I was able to do or say whatever I willed myself. The debilitation I experienced was not justified by my expectations of what would happen. I lived out the experience; I noticed the dissociation was VERY similar to what I'd experienced many times on DXM.

Having an experience very similar to what I've experienced while dexing, I started to come down. My goal, however, was to reach the K-hole. There were only 300 mg left, and I didn't think the extra tenth gram would make too much of a difference if I waited until tomorrow.

I snorted the last three tenths. I went into the deepest experience I had been. After about ten minutes, I once again, tested my ability to speak and move. I found, once again, that I was able to say or do whatever I wanted as long as I willed myself to. I will concede that I felt the words were being spoken TO me rather than BY me but I was impressed with how in control of my body I was.

I left my bedroom to remark to my roommate how terribly similar Ketamine was to DXM. I remember the words I chose... 'The effects of Ketamine are literally indistinguishable from DXM, If you gave me one and didn't tell me what it was I wouldn't known the difference'.

He simply said 'I disagree', and, disinterested, went back to watching his show.

I went back to my room feeling the deepest remorse for what I'd said. K is different than DXM. My body is far more useful on K, my mind less spastic and confused. The effects are far less disabling.

Having done half a gram, I came down after my most intense experience with Ketamine to date, feeling that I should have snorted the half gram at once.

I don't know why other experience reports usually describe such strong effects after a smaller consumption. I actually weighed the bags when I bought them. Perhaps mine had been cut with something, or perhaps there I have some kind of cross tolerance from my many experiences dexing.

What I feel is more likely is that my anticipation of how completely disabled I would be actually decreased the amount I was inebriated. Perhaps I was so mentally and emotionally prepared for the experience that I was able to overcome it.

I was impressed with the experience, but surprised at how easy it really was. I don't feel that I've been in the K-hole to this date.

Exp Year: 2009ExpID: 82124
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 21
Published: Jun 20, 2011Views: 7,512
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Ketamine (31) : General (1), Alone (16)

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