Modern humans must learn how to relate to psychoactives
responsibly, treating them with respect and awareness,
working to minimize harms and maximize benefits, and
integrating use into a healthy, enjoyable, and productive life.
Strong as F***, Scary as F***, Fun as S***!
Phenazepam, Cannabis
Citation:   RIghteousness. "Strong as F***, Scary as F***, Fun as S***!: An Experience with Phenazepam, Cannabis (exp82421)". Nov 3, 2010.

2 mg oral Pharms - Phenazepam (powder / crystals)
My experiences with drugs started when I was 14 when i first tried marijuana, oxycodone, hydrocodone, ketamine ,adderall, ritalin, DMT, Mushrooms, LSD, PCP, Benzos, Z-drugs, phenobarbital, and various other pharmaceuticals.

I joined a website, to which you can find out more about legal highs, and I found Phenazepam. Its a Russian benzo currently not scheduled in the United States. I found it was addicting, powerful, scary, and fun all at the same time. Also, it has an extremely long half-life, so if you overdose, you'll black out for 3 days and there is no stopping what you can do. Im glad I never blacked out.

I ordered some Phenazepam, pretty cheap, about 45 bucks for a 500mg sampler. (I didn't think a gram was needed as 500mg will last me about 250 uses.)The place i got it from was from a lab in San Diego, so it got here very fast and discreetly in a nice little vile that was impossible to open. The way i wanted to measure it was volumetric dosing with ISP alcohol, 91% (my drug store didn't carry 99% so i just went for the most available rubbing alcohol and i also bought an oral syringe for accurate measuring.) I poured 500ml into a pirex measuring cup and poured it into an empty alcohol bottle. Then i dumped the phenazepam into the dis solvent and shook for about half an our, when i wasn't shaking it, i put it under hot water so the mix dissolves faster. Make sure the lid is completely closed when you put water near it. I then proceeded to make blotters of .5, 1, and 2 mg out of cardboard (not the most effective way of doing it, but they dried fast when put near a space heater.

I sucked so much cardboard my mouth got coarse. Never really worked, i got a bit of a buzz, but nothing like my next way of doing it.

I poured my wanted amount into a glass and put it in the freezer. I came back about 2 hours later and put some vodka in there and mixed it around. It doesn't have to be strong vodka, just the cheapest shit you can your hands on (also you should use strong vodka or ethenol for dissolving, but i didn't have the time to find a lot of liquor, i wanted to get fucked up right then.) Anyways, I drank the concoction and went to go play some video games.

15min- I'm feeling it, I feel drowsy, and this is only a 2mg dose. Definitely stronger than xanax, Klonopins, and a few other benzos ive tried in my time.

30min-Video games are getting harder to play, the screen is blurry and i feel like im going to fall over and pass out. This is very strong, i guess the little bit of vodka is helping too, but i would say I have a good tolerance to high proof vodka, so maybe its the phenazepam. I also suffer from very scary panic attacks, and I never got a panic attack within the three days, it was the perfect drug. I was happy and floating, without any care in the world. Life was just an ocean and I'm just flowing with it, no questions asked.

Hours and hours later, i smoked some very high grade cannabis, and there was no paranoia at all. None of the usual shit entered my mind. The high was amazing, everything was bright and beautiful. I called my girl and her voice sounded like an angel to me. Music enhancement definitely noticed. I'm also an insomniac, but I slept well for those few days.

My friend J, though, took an 8mg dose and blacked out in a matter of minutes from ingestion. He was out. I smacked his face, shook him, he was blown out, like an old light-bulb. It was fucked up. I had to take him to a friends house to keep him there, his parents were freaking out that he didn't go home that day. We assured them that he was fine and he just went camping (he usually does) and they believed us. He woke up about a day later, groggy as hell and fucked up. He threw up a bunch and went back to sleep. After about 4 days he woke up for good, i gave him some adderall to keep him up, and a Oxycontin for his massive headache from dehydration and hunger. He was back to normal in a total of a week. He hasn't touched it again.

Phenazepam is one of the coolest benzos Ive tried because it makes everything perfect, only at the right dose though. Be very careful with this drug, because it can get pretty scary and fucked up if you OD on this shit.


Exp Year: 2009ExpID: 82421
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 16
Published: Nov 3, 2010Views: 22,636
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Pharms - Phenazepam (505) : First Times (2), Alone (16)

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