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Left Work and Went Home for the Day
Citation:   Okster. "Left Work and Went Home for the Day: An Experience with Oxymorphone (exp82445)". Feb 10, 2022.

10 mg insufflated Pharms - Oxymorphone (ground / crushed)
I’m 29 years old, and for the past few years I have really been doing a lot of different drugs. My main drugs lately have been Oxycontin. I seem to have a pretty high tolerance but sometimes if I don’t have access to this I feel like I’m going crazy. The other day, someone offered me 2-10mg Opanas. I have heard of these before, but this would be my first time trying them. I thought it would be no big deal since they seemed like such a small dose compared to what I would normally take of the Oxycontins.
I thought it would be no big deal since they seemed like such a small dose compared to what I would normally take of the Oxycontins.
Well, I hadn’t really ate much that day, because I was feeling a little sick from withdrawals, I guess.

So, I’d have to guess it was around 12 noon. I crushed up the first opana and snorted the whole thing, then swallowed the coating down with some sprite. (Big Mistake) After about an hour, I could sort of feel the effects starting to hit me. A few times during the first one to two hours, I thought I felt a little nauseous, but this isn’t anything unusual.

Well, come time for that second hour to roll around, I went to lunch and crushed up the second pill but put it aside. I usually have an hour lunch, but something didn’t feel right so after 20 minutes into my break, I rushed back to the office. I barely made it into the bathroom before I puked all over the toilet. Once that came up, it wouldn’t stop. It was mostly liquids since I hadn’t had any food that day, but it still was just as bad. I left work after that and went home for the day. I was so sick that I couldn’t go to work the next day either. After two days of that, I started to feel better, and decided to do what I had left of the second pill. It didn’t make me sick at all that time.

Whew, I will never do Opana’s again. And if for some reason I don’t have my usual ‘medicine’, I’ll just tough it out.

Exp Year: 2009ExpID: 82445
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 29
Published: Feb 10, 2022Views: 882
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Pharms - Oxymorphone (221) : Train Wrecks & Trip Disasters (7), First Times (2), Workplace (51)

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