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I Looked Like I Was Having a Seizure
Salvia divinorum & Venlafaxine
Citation:   phishphan. "I Looked Like I Was Having a Seizure: An Experience with Salvia divinorum & Venlafaxine (exp82456)". Erowid.org. Aug 11, 2020. erowid.org/exp/82456

  oral Pharms - Venlafaxine (daily)
    repeated oral Alcohol  
    smoked Cannabis  
  1 bowl smoked Salvia divinorum  
Seizure-Like Experience

I'm going to keep this short and sweet..doing the bullet point thing to make this an easy read...

At a holiday party at my house which I share with 9 roommates

Surrounded by many people, lots of good friends

Was drinking a bit, probably smoked some headies prior, but at the time of this experience felt pretty level-headed and not high

I took one huge hit of regular salvia divinorum, held it in for like 5 seconds and....
HOLY S*%$#
WORST TRIP EVER!!!...I felt like a puddle, that heavy feeling I get with this drug, only I thought I was flat on the ground like a puddle of water viewing everyone from that standpoint.....I was very upset because other people who were smoking it in the circle were pointing and laughing at me, people I was (still am) friends with. I felt like I was drooling, could not control any of my muscles, and that I was like leaning on the person next to me uncontrollably...I was terrified because I felt like this was permanent for some reason
I was terrified because I felt like this was permanent for some reason
and that this was how my life would be for the rest of my life...like a puddle. My view of myself eventually changed from a liquid puddle to an endless pile of grain, sifting but still heavy like a puddle on the ground. I was sooo embarrassed and upset (I felt betrayed by everyone around me for laughing at me) that I tried to get up and leave the room before my trip was done....luckily I could not and my roommate who owned the salvia kept telling me not to (which he was right). As soon as I had some reasonable amount of control over my body I fled to my room, turned out the lights, covered myself with blankets, and cried my heart out for like 10-20 minutes. I remember just desperately wanting to be home with my parents (I was 24 at the time mind you, definitely old enough to deal).

When I finally dried my tears and went out of my room, back into the party I talked to my roommate about what happened as well as the other people there and they apologized for laughing but said I looked like I was having a seizure!!!! They said my eyes kept rolling up in my head and I was drooling and stuff. I definitely forgave them for laughing (that's also the effects of the salvia, I actually had a laughing experience like that before when I smoked just a little bit not soo deeply)....

Please note I am also on a daily dose of effexor and I have read just now that there has been reports of seizure-like outcomes for people who mix effexor and salvia...good to know!!!

Exp Year: 2008ExpID: 82456
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 24
Published: Aug 11, 2020Views: 912
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Pharms - Venlafaxine (191), Salvia divinorum (44) : Combinations (3), Bad Trips (6), Large Group (10+) (19)

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