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Ambivalent About the High
Pregabalin & Cannabis
Citation:   SomeGirl. "Ambivalent About the High: An Experience with Pregabalin & Cannabis (exp82468)". Apr 28, 2020.

300 mg oral Pharms - Pregabalin
I have taken 300mg of Lyrica (pregabalin) and I am experiencing the high as I write. I got prescribed this med for my nerve pain due to a spinal injury. My dose is supposed to be 75mg but my friend gave me some 300mg capsules to try.... Pregabalin does help with my nerve pain – I just take 75mg and my pain is relieved…. Taking 300mg is purely recreational for me.
WOW! But yuck too!

The first time I took a 300mg capsule, I also had 100mg tramadol, cannabis, and 30mg oxazapam, and I just slept, and woke up feeling really hung-over, drunk almost... A real lack of co-ordination and depth perception. I attempted to drive my car the next morning, but I have learnt from that experience NOT to drive at all while affected by pregabalin, it is very dangerous! I got 2 minutes from my home and knew I couldnt drive across to the other side of the city safely- its like being drunk, and I would never drive whist drunk, I just thought it would be ok cos its was prescription, but as I attempted to drive I knew I was not capable.

Right now it is 2 hours into taking the pregabalin, and I have lost my co-ordination mildly
Right now it is 2 hours into taking the pregabalin, and I have lost my co-ordination mildly
– everything is kind of fuzzy, and much slower. Typing is an effort! My head feels really spacey and floaty. When I move I kind of glide and stumble at the same time! I also feel my heart pounding in my chest – I don’t much like that feeling! I can kind of feel my blood pumping through my body – legs, arms, head, torso, but I am also twitching, which isn’t my idea of a good time.

I don’t really think this is a fun drug, I would much rather take benzos (or opiates), and other illicit drugs in the future. My rating for this drug as a recreational high: 2/5; my rating for this drug for managing nerve pain: 4.5/5

Exp Year: 2009ExpID: 82468
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 28
Published: Apr 28, 2020Views: 2,284
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Pharms - Pregabalin (418) : Combinations (3), Unknown Context (20)

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