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With Music It is a Fantastic Adventure
Citation:   Ellie. "With Music It is a Fantastic Adventure: An Experience with Ketamine (exp82679)". Oct 27, 2010.

2 g oral Ketamine (liquid)
I had recently acquired several vials of 50mg liquid ketamine. This was my first experience with ketamine, and with hallucinogenics in general.

I started by taking 500 mg orally while a good friend of mine was in the room. In about ten minutes, I started feeling different. My head felt a bit heavy, and there was a vague buzzing. I felt slightly intoxicated, quite euphoric and talkative. I noticed my visual perception became the slightest bit distorted. Movement at the edges of my vision (like my cat jumping down from his chair) was confusing and trippy to me.

Then I became a bit groggy. I wasn't exactly tired, but I had no desire to move. When I did try to get up, I felt that I moved slowly and awkwardly. When I tried to talk, I felt that the words came out slowly, and that I felt drunk, though my friend reported that I spoke normally. I found that I took much longer to do things. I took about ten minutes to type a single sentence in an email to my friend, and the whole time I questioned whether or not I was typing the right thing to the right person. I found I doubted the correctness of my actions the whole time, and constantly double checked. In about twenty minutes, I was feeling back to normal.

My friend went to bed, but I wasn't satisfied with my experience, so I decided to try more. This was when I discovered the perfect combination of factors for my ideal k trip.

I drank 2g (I should note here that while many people may require this much taken orally after having built up a bit of a tolerance, this may be too much for most for the first time. It certainly was for my friends. I happen to have a pretty high tolerance to all substances I've encountered.)

[Erowid Note: The dose described in this report is very high, potentially beyond Erowid's 'heavy' range, and could pose serious health risks or result in unwanted, extreme effects. Sometimes extremely high doses reported are errors rather than actual doses used.]

Anyway, the paranoia that I had experienced before was the first symptom to kick in. I instantly became concerned that I would leave a light on in the house (it was night time and I was about to go to bed) or the door unlocked, or urinate on myself while tripping. So I used this time before the drug really kicked in to double check everything in the house. I ended up having to triple or quadruple check everything before I was satisfied.

Finally satisfied, I went into my room, closed the door, turned off the lights, sat up in bed, and put on my ipod with a playlist on that mostly consisted of Lady Gaga and other very danceable club songs. In about fifteen minutes, I started feeling the first difference, aside from the paranoia. I felt warm, my head felt a bit heavy, and there was a slight buzzing in my ears. I also felt really at ease. I was very comfortable with myself and anything that might happen to me. Even death, I felt, wouldn't be the worst thing in the world. I was very self-assured and content with my life and the world. I also very much felt the music. Nelly Furtado's 'Maneater' came on and I really felt myself to be a sexy heartbreaker. I also got really into all the songs, moving to the beat in my bed.

It wasn't a HUGE difference ... just a calmer, more content and confident version of myself. It was a bit like alcohol, but without the dizziness or confusion. I also felt very sexy. I got up once to get a glass of water, and found myself dancing against the refrigerator as though it were a stripper pole, as odd as that may sound. Yet, oddly, as sexy as I felt when I moved, when I looked in the mirror, I felt I looked very unattractive. Somehow ketamine seems to make me notice all the details and imperfections in myself when looking in the mirror.

Anyway, after perhaps ten minutes of this, I had no doubt that the main trip was coming on. I don'tknow how, it was just a feeling of certainty. That's when it started. The buzzing intensified, and I saw my blanket slither over my legs like a snake, and my bed began to tip over, as though about to dump me to the floor, though it never did. I kept my eyes open the whole time. I am certain of this, for when I closed my eyes, my hallucinations disappeared. Some may report close eye hallucinations, but my most enjoyable were definitely open eye. Though I always have to take a large amount of ketamine to experience open eye hallucinations.

The exact hallucinations I encounter while on ketamine are always hard to remember, though I am fully aware of them while having them. It began with a pulling sensation. My bed spun around, and I was tugged around and under, and then up. I felt that my body flew up and out onto my balcony, and suddenly I was flying over the coast next to my house (I really do live by a coast.) Suddenly, I was in my boyfriend's house (and it really did look like his house actually looks.)

I felt very certain that he was there in the room with me. I actually experienced a few uncomfortable moments here, wondering if he'd judge me for using the drug. I saw several people from my life in my hallucinations, and I remember feeling that they must be taking the drug too, and that we were connecting on some sort of ketamine plane, and that we'd both remember it in the morning. I looked forward, in fact, to discussing it with them the next day.

I continued to float around to different locations. Usually I would be tugged through a hallway, out a window, down an elevator shaft, etc., to a new location. All of these locations were very vivid and detailed. There was no sign of my actual room in these hallucinations, though my eyes were wide open. The whole time I knew these were hallucinations, and enjoyed the adventure. I floated along city streets, I talked to people, I even rode in a car. Alcohol was a recurring theme in my hallucinations, often hallucinating that I was drinking it.

My hallucinations also corresponded to my music a great deal. When a song stopped or slowed, my movement in the hallucination would suddenly stop or slow, resuming when the music did. Often the location would change when a new song started. And often hallucinations corresponded to lyrics.

This journey around the world continued for about an hour. I was aware the whole time that I was hallucinating, and I felt that I consciously kept myself immersed in them. The only part that I did not realize to be a hallucination was the belief that there were other people, usually my boyfriend, in the room watching me hallucinate, or tripping with me. Eventually, the hallucination faded a little and the need to urinate was overwhelming. I broke the hallucination and got out of bed to go the bathroom. The trip to the bathroom was a difficult one, and I stumbled the whole while. While I was in the bathroom, I could hear people talking outside the door, and I wasn't sure if it was my roommate,or if I was hallucinating still. Peeing was very odd, and I wasn't sure if i was actually making it in the toilet (I was.) When I washed my hands, the towel began talking to me. Finally I stumbled out and back to bed.

I was able to resume the hallucinations, but they were less intense and only lasted about 15 minutes before. Finally I stopped moving and slowly the hallucinations dissolved into my actual room. At this point, my vision kept flickering in and out, and I had to cover one eye to read the numbers on my clock. My heart was pounding very fast, and I was still having a buzzing auditory disturbance. I was, finally, able to sleep. I woke up feeling mostly normal, though there was a bit of nauseousness and anxiety for a few hours. It was, in my opinion, very worth it, though.

I have repeated this experience many times and always love it. The only way I am able to have such intense hallucinations is with a high dose of ketamine, music, and lying in bed in a dark room.

Exp Year: 2009ExpID: 82679
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 20
Published: Oct 27, 2010Views: 15,988
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Ketamine (31) : Glowing Experiences (4), Alone (16)

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