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Positive State of Mind
Citation:   Norman. "Positive State of Mind: An Experience with 4-Methylmethcathinone (exp82687)". Jan 21, 2016.

100 mg oral 4-Methylmethcathinone (liquid)
0.00 Ingested 100mg in a small glass of water. Tasted foul but you have to get past the bees to get the honey.

0.15 Felt slightly anxious with a sense of anticipation. A notable difference but still very light.

0.30 A nice mild rushing feeling. Music starting to sound more enjoyable.

0.45 Body feeling slightly numb with slightly more energy. Mood becoming more positive and relaxed.

0.55 Feeling very nice. A place similar to what I get on MDMA. Slight rushy but still pretty mild and much more in control.

1.00 Reached a plateau.. Still feeling nice. Warm and open. Feel the need to talk to someone.

1.30 Just had a conversation that was very open and relaxed. Still on that plateau.

1.45 Much the same. Still alert and feeling good.

2.0 A big rush of euphoria followed by a diminishing of the good feeling. Having read other reports I'm guessing that's it for tonight.

2.45 I'm still pretty up.. still full of energy if a little less settled. My jaw is going a bit. Not so much grinding more that I'm becoming more aware of my teeth coming together.

3.0 feel pretty relaxed. Most of the effects have subsided. I have more left and I'm tempted to take some more. But I'll not.

Overall I enjoyed the experience. I like the vibrant up feeling with nice body sensations. I also enjoyed talking as it seemed to flow easily and naturally.

Exp Year: 2009ExpID: 82687
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 25
Published: Jan 21, 2016Views: 2,347
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4-Methylmethcathinone (458) : Unknown Context (20), General (1)

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