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Over a Two-Month Period
Citation:   Thomas. "Over a Two-Month Period: An Experience with MDPV (exp82951)". Feb 24, 2017.

  insufflated MDPV (powder / crystals)
    vaporized MDPV  
MDPV, Over a Two-Month Period

I thought I'd share my experience with this substance, I had to learn a lot through trial and error.

I acquired 0.38g roughly 2 months ago. And 1.3g yesterday. I have been using it maybe 2-3 times a fortnight (and sometimes sharing with friends) mostly via insufflation, I experience effects using this method from about 3mg (I saw a 10mg dose on scales when I got it and have been estimating based on that so all dose statements are approximate from here on) and the highest dose I have taken is 20mg over 4 hours.

I find 3-5 is brilliant for studying or a pick-me-up, I experience no negative side effects except a loss of appetite at this dose
I find 3-5 is brilliant for studying or a pick-me-up, I experience no negative side effects except a loss of appetite at this dose
, I also don't feel any need to compulsively redose, unlike when I use amphetamines, although apparently a lot of people have experienced this with MDPV.

10mg was good in party situations, mild euphoria, elevated mood and a powerful yet somehow subtle stimulation like a high dose of methylphenidate as opposed to amphetamine. Slight side effects and definitely no sleep for at least 9 hours after consumption.

15mg was enjoyable but I certainly wouldn't have found it 'useful' in any circumstances (which is my deciding factor when it comes to stimulants). Plenty of side effects; I was disgusted by food yet preoccupied with my health (I'm not usually a hypochondriac), was paranoid not to the extent of amphetamine psychosis but comparable to IVing crack cocaine, slightly aroused and found myself masturbating 3 times in the night which is unusual for me these days and I also felt generally irritated. None of this was unbearable and I still felt pretty euphoric and happy.

20mg was a lot more intense and I probably wont repeat it.

Tried vapourising it a few hours ago as I haven't freebased anything in a while, eyeballed about 4mg on aluminum foil. It turned to residue a LOT faster than heroin, and I had to hold it at quite a steep angle to avoid it frazzling, the taste was not unpleasant. I am thoroughly enjoying it far more than anything I have ever freebased before, but would definitely not do a higher dose via this method.

[Reported Dose: '380 milligrams over 2 months']

Exp Year: 2009ExpID: 82951
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 19
Published: Feb 24, 2017Views: 2,106
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