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No Real Trip Happening at All
Mushrooms - P. mexicana
Citation:   steelcogito. "No Real Trip Happening at All: An Experience with Mushrooms - P. mexicana (exp82956)". Nov 30, 2017.

T+ 0:00
10 g oral Mushrooms - P. mexicana (fresh)
  T+ 0:00 1 cup oral Yerba Mate (tea)
  T+ 1:40 10 g oral Mushrooms - P. mexicana (fresh)
Well this was my first experience with these particular mushrooms and using the Sclerotia portion of the mushroom. I was very excited as it had been a while and finding and opportunity to get back in touch with part of my consciousness I had been neglecting as my life passes by. So needless to say I had great anticipation for a needed trip and based on my fond memories of others I could not wait to get back.

Details: About two hours after breakfast I took ten grams and ran them through a garlic press as recommended and mixed them with a cup of Yerba Mate tea, drank and ate the pieces at the bottom and waited, and waited, and waited. After an hour with little or no effects I became a bit disappointed. After about another 40 minutes I did another ten grams in the same manner and waited, and waited and waited again nothing really some very mild feelings with no real trip happening at all.

Conclusion: very disappointed with these and still in need of my visit, if 20 grams could not do it then I am very curious as to how much I would need to eat of these to bring the desired result. As Terence said the danger was not taking too much but taking too little, in this case not sure how much is right.

Exp Year: 2009ExpID: 82956
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 55
Published: Nov 30, 2017Views: 1,554
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Mushrooms - P. mexicana (193) : Unknown Context (20), First Times (2)

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