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Foxy and Friends
by Pod
Citation:   Pod. "Foxy and Friends: An Experience with 5-MeO-DiPT (exp8297)". Nov 23, 2002.

12 mg oral 5-MeO-DiPT
Last night our group of pyschonauts engaged in our first experiment with 'Foxy Methoxy,' aka 5-Meo-Dipt. The purpose of the experiment, in addition to satisfying our curiousity, was to assess whether the substance would be appropriate for the upcoming Burning Man Festival.

Pod’s personal mindset was mixed - intense curiosity about a substance he and Pea had been researching for weeks, stress over a too-scheduled Saturday night, artistic inspiration due to a David Hockney exhibit visited earlier in the evening, and some worry that this was the wrong time to be trying a potentially powerful psychedelic drug due to long-term career and life-development issues. Still, the Hockney exhibit had thrown us all into an excellent mood, and we soon gathered at the Imperial Maggot's newly purchased English Tudor home to conduct our experiment.

Having obtained a 100 mg. amount of 5-Meo-DiPT in powder form, we first set about finding a way to divide it into the necessary doses without the benefit of a milligram scale. Accordingly, we measured out eight equal amounts of vodka with a marked eyedropper, and dissolved the 5-Meo-Dipt powder in it. The powder dissolved immediately and completely. Knowing that each eyedropper full of liquid now contained approxiametly 12 mgs of the drug, we re-drew the liquid back into the marked eyedropper and measured out six doses into shotglasses. We covered and sealed the two remaining doses and placed them in the refrigerator to prevent evaporation.

We now had, as best we could tell, six 12 mg doses of 5-Meo-DiPT in our six glasses. We filled the glasses with cranberry juice and consumed them. Even through the strong flavor of the juice, the chemical taste of the 5-Meo-Dipt was clear, remarked upon by one participant as 'horrid.' PlayaMonster elected to take his dose in a full shot of vodka, which he immediately deemed a mistake.

We consumed the drug at about 11:00pm. Within ten minutes, Pod began to notice an effect, a feeling similar to the onset of LSD but faster and more centered in the body. Pea also remarked on feeling something. The drug appeared to affect Pod and the women in the group first, then PlayaMonster and the Imperial Maggot about five minutes later. This may have been due to body weight.

Over the next twenty minutes, the body feelings mounted, becoming quite an intense inside-the-body sensation. Pod found this enjoyable but somewhat edgy, a rather electric sense of energy in his muscles rather than the glowey meltey pleasure of MDMA. Interestingly enough, despite this building energy, Pod did not feel the need to move around or interact, but instead remained seated by the fire. Honeydust also tended towards immobility, curling herself into a fetal position in front of the fire. She was to repeatedly return to this position throughout much of the subsequent trip.

With the physical sensations mounting, Pea, Pod, and Honeydust attempted a brief 'Ecstasy snuggle' type cuddle, but abandoned this almost immediately. The drug though physical did not seem to promote this type of interaction.

Due to a problem with the new house's chimney, smoke began to fill the room. We were forced into going for a walk - which we soon realized was a very good idea as the energy and the body sensations began to mount for all of us. Pod found walking to feel very good, almost orgasmic, with waves of body sensation accompanying all physical movements. Although the drug did not 'push' in a sexual direction, he could see at this point how the semi-ecstatic body feelings could become intensely sexually pleasurable if one concentrated. Deep breathing felt very good, and he noticed the air feeling very fresh and cool. Sounds of all kinds were dramatically amplified, as if his hearing had become much more sensitive. Slight visuals began as well, an LSD-like sense of motion around the edges of his vision. No enhancement of color was apparent to him.

Pea and Pod found themselves to be somewhat frustrated with their friends, who were starting to become obsessed with very loud squawking walkie-talkies. The friends realized this and returned to the house, leaving Pea and Pod outside alone. Pea and Pod found their appreciation of the nature around them to be quite high, as well as their focus on the ecstatic qualities of the body sensations. These continued to mount, but as they started to really feel very good, both Pea and Pod felt a shift towards nausea and a need to go to the bathroom.

The peak of the drug seemed to last about two to three hours. During this time, the group fragmented. Pea, Pod, and Honeydust became somewhat quiet and introverted, while PlayaMonster, the Imperial Maggot, and Eliza went in a completely manic direction, laughing crazily, pulling each other along the house's polished wood floors, opening and closing windows in order to set off the alarm system's 'robot voice,' and making lots of noise with walkie-talkies and bullhorns.

Although Pod did not notice her participating in the manic-ness, Honeydust seemed to find it entertaining to watch. However, Pea and Pod found the noise distracting, as both wanted to experiment with the possible meditative and ecstatic aspects of the substance. For Pod, sitting in lotus position suggested value in this direction, with feelings of strong kundalini energy racing up and down his spine. Unfortunately, the complete and very loud insantity going on in the other rooms of the house prevented any serious exploration along these lines. Pea also became increasingly distracted by gastro-intestinal distress.

Pea’s bodily discomfort became quite bad, as she experienced nausea, painful gas, and diahrea. In an attempt to escape the rowdiness of their friends, she and Pod decided to take a bath (with the thought in the back of Pod’s mind that perhaps they might explore the 'foxier' aspects of the drug). Alas, this was not to be, as Pea’s stomach started to rebel in earnest and she was forced to race to the toilet once again.

Pod noted that despite the auditory enhancement of the drug, music did not sound particularly good to him - flat, distant, and with the voices of the instruments blending together into a rather muddy mass. This was surprising, as other psychedelic drugs strongly enhance both musical appreciation and musical understanding for Pod. Pod found that he could not access his musical knowledge, and that his understanding of musical structures was intellectually unavailable. At one point he thought that perhaps this is what music sounds like to non-musicians. Pea, however, found music enjoyable but in a more tactile rather than aural manner.

PlayaMonster repeatedly noted a highly enhanced sense of smell, to the point that he needed to douse artificially scented candles which he found to smell insistently chemical. His innate aggro tendencies were enhanced, and at one point he became quite agitated when he was convinced someone had hidden his walkie-talkie. In general, however, PlayaMonster expressed liking the energy of the drug, saying 'this is great for Burning Man.'

Honeydust complained of heart-beat issues, saying she felt her heart skip beats. When I expressed concern about this, however, she claimed that this is something that happens to her anyway, and that she was just feeling it now. Honeydust also expressed that she was somewhat disappointed in the substance, as it was ‘too much of a body high' and 'not intellectual.'

Pea attempted to drink some red wine to quell her nerves, but this brought back the nausea to the point that she had to induce vomiting. This, coupled with minor snacks (a few cashews), seemed to help. Although initially Pod found the Imperial Maggot’s new home not completely comfortable for the experience, as the drug trailed off he enjoyed exploring the house and commenting on its various features.

By about 4:30, both Pea and Pod were beginning to come down, although Pea remained under the effect of the drug for longer than Pod. Pod noted the come-down as feeling 'a bit ragged' at first. Pea endured another wave of nausea at this point, but after another vomiting experience (of the un-induced, projectile, sort) she also began to come down. As the drug left her system, Pea remarked repeatedly that she felt better and that the drug now felt good. Although the primary effects of the drug were lessened for Pea and almost gone for Pod, neither were able to sleep. Nonetheless, Pod was clear-headed enough at this point to do some Photoshop work.

Finally, at about 7:00AM, Pod and Pea were able to get to get sleepy with the help of some GHB. Pea drifted off, but Pod continued to feel the bodily energy of the 5-MeO-DiPT, which drifted into sexual excitement has he contemplated Pea’s alluring form. Pod masturbated to a particularly intense orgasm, feeling the remaining energy of the material finally dissipate as he came. The unexpected intensity of the sexual feelings suggested that 5-MeO-DiPT indeed does have strong pro-sexual effects, particularly in terms of harnessing the body high of the drug.

Pea and Pod both found the drug particularly non-intellectual, much more of a body experience that a thoughtful mental journey. Both noted very little tendency towards the spiritual, although that may be partially due to the set and setting, which was not conducive to exploring such subjects. At no point in the experience did either ever enter a feeling of complete 'immersion,' and both were generally able to sense what was an effect of the drug and what was 'normalcy.' However, the lack of LSD-like mental gymnastics was a relief, given that neither Pea nor Pod wanted to spend the evening diving into the bedeviling life issues about which they had been obsessing about all week.

In terms of dosage, we felt that although the psychedelic effects were interesting, the heavy bodyload was quite distracting and too strong in comparison to the visuals, etc. to be worth it. Instead, we theorized that a smaller dose would be better, letting the experience be about a slightly toned-down version of the body sensations and the energy without tipping over into bodily discomfort as this experience too often did. We concluded that the best use of the drug might be at a rave-type event where one could dance off all the excess energy, or indeed to fuel energetic running around at Burning Man.

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 8297
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Nov 23, 2002Views: 24,952
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5-MeO-DiPT (57) : Small Group (2-9) (17), First Times (2), Difficult Experiences (5), General (1)

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