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Stomach Knots the Entire Evening
Citation:   AverageJoe. "Stomach Knots the Entire Evening: An Experience with 2C-E (exp82979)". Erowid.org. Nov 10, 2010. erowid.org/exp/82979

13 mg oral 2C-E (powder / crystals)
Subject: 27-year old male

Background: I am searching for many answers in life, and at the moment the direction I've chosen to look into is to try and get a better understanding of ourselves as spiritual beings and the true realities around us through research chemicals. I've procured 500mg of 2C-E and 2C-I from a reliable vendor. This is my first time working with them, so there is a little nervousness in terms of questioning if what I'm recieving will indeed be what it is intended. We can thank the war on drugs for that.

None the less, while waiting for the last week for my order I've been torn between wether to jump in with the easier sounding 2C-I or to, for lack of a better term, go deeper with 2C-E. I've heard and read every experience I can get my hands on regarding either substance, and the overall theme seems to be that while both will deliver a psychedelic experience the 2C-I tends to hang around as a happy, but less insight filled trip. At this point, though, I need a little insight.

Despite the understanding that this is not going to be as easy and light as I might want, I will make my first voyage with 2C-E this weekend. The planned dosage will be 13mg. I have a lab scale to measure these substances with, as I am very cautious about dosing with unknown chemicals and believe that the only way we can keep access to these substances is responsible use.

I have over the course of the years taken a few psychedelic trips. My first experience was when I was much younger (15) and ate a bunch of mushrooms and found myself in psychdelic rapture for hours. Following that there were a few more mushroom trips, one acid trip, but really not a strong history of psychdelic drugs use. I'd say that at this point in my life I've tripped maybe 5 times at the most. I hope over the course of the next 6 months to more deeply explore the psychdelic state and see what it has to offer us, in terms of both healing and recreation. I believe these two things can go hand in hand, that one can have an awesome deep profound trip and enjoy it, that even when a trip turns dark all one needs to do is let go of everything and to roll with it. That is always my moto when any of my previous trips got to dark or too heavy was just to roll with it and know that I'd come out the other side at some point. I believe this mindset will help me in exploring these new chemicals I've acquired, but, as always, one cannot know the outcome of a journey before they take the first step.

I have the next saturday off work, followed by a late start on sunday. This seems an ideal time to trip out. I've heard that the come-down off 2c's arent that bad, and I am hopeful for a gentle enough come down to be able to resume life as normal the following day. I expect there will be minor visual elements / emotional residue in place from tripping, but that is just my experience with mushies and lsd. While I am still awaiting my study materials to arrive, everything indicates that they'll be waiting for me saturday morning in my mailbox. I hope so.

As things go, plans change. While initially I wanted to experience this during the day, Christmas night opens itself up as a sacred time. 6+ hours before I intend to dose I begin a ritual of cleaning the house. I've noted on my few other psychedelic journeys that cleanliness, or the lack of it, can tend to throw off a trip. Perhaps that was simply the case with cubensis, but I don't want to take any chances. Set and setting, set and setting.

I clean the house and do the dishes, everything is arranged nicely. I empty out a vitamin gelcap I have handy and weigh the bottom half. Empty it weighs 62mg. I plan on dosing at 13 mg, so using a razor I carefully add small amounts of 2CE I had recieved from a vendor the day before into a gelcap until the bottom with the powder now weighs between 74-75 mg (slight scale fluctuations). I taste the small amount of left over powder on the razor when I am done and it tastes bitter. This is a good sign I believe, but until I have the chance to take a proper dose I will not know whether this is indeed 2CE. I am excited and hopeful.

The last few weeks have felt like an appropriate build up to this event. I've been slipping in and out of what I consider a psychedelic mindstate, meaning lately I'll be minding my own business and doing whatever it is I do when there will come a slight detached feeling, and I'll almost feel like I'm about to get some sort of deep insight, and then it flutters away. Sometimes I do get an insight about the nature of life and death, but it is a fleeting moment. I hope by being an active participant in the psychedelic experience to reach deeper into that state and find more tools to help answer my questions.

Lately I've been journaling thoughts and questions to help focus my mind towards what I hope to encounter during this trip. of course one cannot steer an experience and must let it occur, but I am doing my prework to leave myself in the most positive state I can for this.

I plan to have a sitter for the first part of the trip, and then she will likely have to sleep and I will continue on. Ideally she will be there while I first come up and begin to adjust to the chemical and will be available to wake if I feel the need to talk to someone about what's happening. Ideally this will be a time of self-reflection and revelation, so I hope to journey through some intense stuff solo.

13mg seems like the right starter dosage. After having just a very small amount that spilled while capping the product up I feel it is safe to say I am not experiencing any major allergic reactions. I feel confident a full dose will be a safe exploration space.

T+2:00H after testing small sample for allergies, eyes are extremely dilated, yet thoughts clear and cohesive. Minor visual brightening, but nothing more. Hopeful this means this is an active substance. Looking forward to further testing tonight. In meantime listening to relaxing music and planning to watch 'What the Bleep do we know' before experiment to see if a movie based on 'quantum mechanics' will help open up my eyes more this eve. Have Waking Life on the ready for if I need something to focus on during the comedown. Lots of good music to be had, planning on letting Pandora guide the musical selections, all based around 'trippy' electro artists and more organic world music choices.

T-3:30H waiting until 10:00 to injest 13 mg capsule. Wife has agreed to stay awake for a little bit while I get centered on this new experience. I plan to ride it out until the morning and sleep while she is away at work. From what I understand there shouldn't be too much residual effect the following day, but again this is my first time using this substance so I have the day off work, just in case.

10:00 - Time to dose. Filled with anxiety and an energy that always fills me before taking a psychedelic. I think it is some sort of mental acknowledgement of mine that I'm entering into a space that is not my own and a preperation to roll with what comes. I write down on a piece of paper for later reference 'Relax, it's just 13mg'. Hopefully this can be a anchor point if things get out of hand.

10:30 T+:30 - mild visual distortion. Can definitely feel slight bodily discomfort, throw on Simpsons while wife works out. Heartrate feels elevated, but might be due to having a cup of coffee earlier as well. Feel something. Not sure what.

10:41 T+:41 - Body feels different. Fingers feel heavier. Perhaps earlier distortions were just placebo. Colors brightening. Talk more with wife. Feel the positive energy that this night contains.

10:45 - 11:31 ish - We go on a long walk to the beach and I marvel at the waves. On the walk back things are definitely starting to pick up. I can feel this in the center of my body it seems, and it is like this warmth is coming out from it. Almost uncomfortable, but able to remind self that the body is just that, and to continue on in a positive fashion.

11:32 - coming on ... definitely a long come up. must resist the temptation to dose any more. 13mg for the night, a safe exploration.

... reporting stopped here. Spent the next 6 hours with what felt like a very tight knot in my stomach. mild visuals, definitely perception distortion but the visual element was not that strong. At times there were small amount of movement if I focused on something, but overall not nearly as visual as I was expecting.

Due to the extreme physical discomfort felt the whole time I am unsure when I will return to 2C-E as a teacher. Perhaps the batch I got has some nasty impurities, but the overall physical feeling was one of dis-ease. I could just never get comfortable. Definitely alternating between hot/cold and issues with temperature regulation.

Taking a shower at about 2:00 am (T+3:00) was exhilirating, as all the droplets seemed to run down the wall extremely fast and shimmer, but still was having a hard time with the body sensation.

Had a few powerful realizations, but otherwise the headspace felt pretty safe. A few down moments when I had to question the whole idea of taking RCs, and saw actually how big of a risk it is to injest an unknown substance that you recieve from a vendor. I will likely experiment again, but with the knowledge that the body is not going to feel so hot, and definitely at a higher dosage. 13mg was like a taste, I could see where the visuals and everything might eventually get to, but I my experience was very mild visually.

Trying to research if any of the medication I take might not play well these chemicals. Honestly there is not a ton of info out there, but I guess that's why these are just that, research chemicals. Don't think I got what I was looking for out of this first experience, but seeing as dosing seems to be exponential perhaps 16-17mg is closer to what I'm looking for. Still not happy at all about the physical sensation, makes me question being able to recommend to anyone. Some reports of 2C-E use report little body discomfort. Not certain if this is due to different body chemistries, or perhaps simply different batches at different purities. 99% pure doesn't mean a whole lot when you're talking about chemicals. What could be in that 1%? Anything. Makes me wish my vendor included some sort of chemical analysis sheets with the product.

Some of the more basic thought patterns that emerged I guess are typical psychedelic experiences. I definitely got some deep insights though, but they came at intervals and there wasn't really the rush of thoughts that occured as on LSD. Spent a long time thinking about control, and the more I thought about it the deeper I could get into the thought. At first it was the government uses the war on drugs to control, and then I thought more about it and realized the government actually wants it's citizens doped up, but on their drugs. And for those of us who chose to step outside those choices, we think we are somehow resisting the government or whatever but in truth we're just another pawn in the scheme, in that we are doing exactly what they want us to do. They need people to step outside the lines so that they can make an example to the rest of the population, and each and every one of us plays a role in that, in that when we step outside those lines we run the risk of just becoming another pawn in the scheme. We have to be safe and careful with our lives and activities because the government needs to lock up more people. The prison industry needs bodies to fill it. Be careful. It's fun and games, but it's also dead serious.

Thought about how the church has for so long used the name of Christ as a tool of control, and felt that it must make God sad in some ways to see that happening, as He is truly about freedom, not control. I spent some time in prayer, coming to grips with how my life has been changing lately. Wondered for a while what Christ thinks of drug usage, realized how wonderful cannabis is for it's subtlety. Still having stomach discomforts, smoking cannabis helps a little but not nearly the relief I was hoping for. A thought-whisper tells me this is nothing compared to chemotherapy and I decide I must stop smoking cigarettes. Of course I continue to smoke throughout the night. Today refocusing efforts on that. That revalation was for a reason.

I finally crawl into bed at close to 7:00am, roughly T+8:00 after dosing. The knot in my stomach is still there, but lessening, and I finally feel like I can drift off to sleep.

Thinking of trying 2CI next as people seem to report a much nicer physical feeling. I am hopeful that I do not end up with the same knot in my stomach for hours again. As mentioned, still interested in trying this again, but definitely apprehensive due to the physical sensations. definitely will do a higher dose though as the visuals and psychdelia at 13mg were just kind of 'eh'.

These RCs must react different with everyone because I've read some intense trip reports at 13mg and this just didn't deliver that to me. definitely was trippin, but not tripping very hard at all. If I ever recommend this to anyone I would definitely say to take a first voyage at a lower dosage just so you can feel the physical effects. If I was tripping heavy and new to the physical discomfort side of this chemical I think it would be hard to have a good trip. I feel now that I know how my body reacts I know what to expect if I choose to take another dance with 2C-E. For now it's tucked back away in the back of the freezer saved for ... another time.

Exp Year: 2009ExpID: 82979
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 27
Published: Nov 10, 2010Views: 6,960
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2C-E (137) : Therapeutic Intent or Outcome (49), First Times (2), Alone (16)

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