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Bad News
Mirtazapine & Wine
Citation:   Just Say No Way. "Bad News: An Experience with Mirtazapine & Wine (exp83008)". Sep 18, 2019.

45 mg oral Pharms - Mirtazapine
    oral Alcohol - Beer/Wine
I've been through a series of psych docs and therapists in my life, like a human lab rat of sorts. I've been on so many meds I can't remember.

I do remember that once, about a year ago, I was prescribed Remeron/Mirtazapine, which I took once and never again. The reason: it gave me a seizure.
I was prescribed Remeron/Mirtazapine, which I took once and never again. The reason: it gave me a seizure.

Now, my life is a complete mess, and to escape the dark depths of depression I was in, I decide I'd try some wine and a Remeron capsule and a half.


Well, at first it was great. I felt relaxed and even dreamy, I could sleep at any time if I wanted to. But then I had another bad idea and stuffed my stomach with pasta. As I was coming back from the kitchen I knew it would happen again. I was going to collapse any second now. I had a few seconds to decide and act on falling consciously, but my mind wandered and I imagined I was back and safe in my room, lying down.

To my surprise, I was twitching on the floor and my sister, horrified, tried to help me as much as she could. Luckily, I didn't break any bones or anything serious and I could get some much needed rest. It was, in reality, a desperate 'unconscious' suicide attempt, which I deeply regret.


Please take care with this stuff folks. This drug can be very dangerous.

Exp Year: 2008ExpID: 83008
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 30
Published: Sep 18, 2019Views: 2,495
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Pharms - Mirtazapine (311), Alcohol - Beer/Wine (199) : Combinations (3), Retrospective / Summary (11), Medical Use (47), Depression (15), Health Problems (27), Unknown Context (20)

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