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Ebb & Flow
Citation:   SpicyChi. "Ebb & Flow: An Experience with Vervain (exp83144)". Jan 14, 2016.

8 drops oral Vervain (extract - 5x)
After seeing Vervain ( Verbena officinalis) as a homeopathic remedy at a local whole foods store I figured I'd give it a go. With it's 20% Alcohol it had a very strong smell, so I dropped a few drops into a bottle of water. Bottoms up, & I continued my day. Now the label of the specific product I was using stated 'helps you to relax when your are over enthusiastic or strongly driven.' I have to say that is very accurate.

00:15 As it slowly came to my awareness that things were generally getting 'softer.' As a whole reality seemed to gain this subtle 'cushy' feeling. Similar to the herb, but on a truly different kind of scale. Very slowly & smoothy my headspace changed to that of clear, calm presence.

00:30 Gliding well in the vibes now, nicked back a few more drops (for a total of 8).

01:00 Very easy going, & peaceful vibe.

01:30 Subtle & progressive return to normal(ish) headspace.

03:00 Fully back, & in a great groove;; hungry though.

Exp Year: 2010ExpID: 83144
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 22
Published: Jan 14, 2016Views: 2,428
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Vervain (660) : General (1), Alone (16)

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