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Party Cocktail
Alcohol, T. pachanoi, MDMA & Cocaine
by D.
Citation:   D.. "Party Cocktail: An Experience with Alcohol, T. pachanoi, MDMA & Cocaine (exp83161)". Oct 6, 2022.

  repeated oral Alcohol - Hard  
  4 shots oral Coffee  
    repeated oral Cacti - T. pachanoi (tea)
    repeated oral MDMA  
    repeated insufflated Cocaine  
Overview: Several friends and I decide to have a throwback to times of old- care free partying as if we were 20 again. (I'm the youngest of the group). It is New Years Eve. We are attending what we think to be mostly a rave, but as it turns out, it is a highly pretentious and uptight group.

Setting: Hotel on waterfront (easy access to outdoors). Party with 5K people and loud house/techno music. Loving, great, friends nearby. Private/personal hotel rooms available throughout the night if needed.

*12inches of San Pedro cactus. (Preparation was a tried and true blending of green flesh, followed by 2 hour boiling to reduce liquid volume. Total volume filled a small peanut butter jar, roughly 3 cups. I know from experience that this growth of cacti are extremely potent.)
* 1.5 rolls of E.
* Roughly .2g of cocaine (insufflated)
* Roughly one 5th of various liquors (Port, Gin, Tequila)

T+0 (6pm) Start drinking 1/4 5th of Port mixed with 4 shots espresso.
T+00:15- Start sipping SP mixture
T+00:45- Liquor/coffee finished. Have drank 3/4 cup of SP mixture

T+01:30- Roughly 5 shots of alcohol consumed. Feel loosened up and the first 'lightness' of mescaline is showing.

T+1:45- Roughly 1.5 cups of SP mix drank. Several more shots consumed. Feelings are wonderful. Lots of energy, lots of love. Mescaline buzz apparent. At this point alcohol is the primary psychoactive, though cognitive clarity is noticeably improved from the mescaline
At this point alcohol is the primary psychoactive, though cognitive clarity is noticeably improved from the mescaline
which is announcing its arrival more strongly.

T+2:30- .5 rolls MDMA taken orally with 2 cups grapefruit juice. (the goal here was to potentiate the MDMA, and not the mescaline. This didn't really work. Both were quite strong.) At this point the mescaline had taken over and I had stopped drinking. Knowing that I already would be quite taken with the SP mix, I took only half a roll. Also, roughly 3/4 cup total of SP mix is split between the 5 other friends so that they might glimpse the spirit of the plant.

T+3:00 (9pm)- We're walking out the door and a friend tells me to have a bump of his cocaine. I accept without thought. Externally things are very chaotic, but internally, while I feel energized and happy, I also have a very clear head.

T+3:30 I start to dance like it's a rave. I'm the only one. And I'm dancing very hard. At this point I'm mostly in my own world, though still very cognizant of everyone else, I have no desire or care but to rock out.

T+5:00 (11pm)- After roughly 1:30hours of dancing extremely hard, I realize I'm extremely thirsty. Three of us go upstairs for water. I drink a ton of water, drink 1/2 cup more of the SP, and take the other half of the roll.

Ego dissolution is near complete. The idea of anything actually being in the world of form and phenomena was absurd. I clearly am observing this dream from the outside. Still some sense of 'I' associated with my body, but mostly in a historical sense that ideas and experiences had once been associated with my body. *I feel compelled to say to readers that this is not frightening to me because of experiences both with and without 'drugs,' however this would be terrifying to many, and is not an experience to aim for without very deep introspective work without drugs as a foundation*

T+5:15-7:00- These hours were spent dancing solo, and trying to get other people to relax and not be so uptight about looking cool. I was the music, the party, the people, everything, and also was not any of that. This was experiential and not a cognitive realization. All of this was extremely clear at the time, yet in retrospect I remember very little of the specific details such as where I was dancing, bathroom breaks, etc.

T+7:15 At some point I bumped some more coke, took another roll, and drank most of the remaining SP mix. These had little effect in making me 'higher,' since there wasn't anywhere else to go. Mental energy still running very high, and still very clear. Body is near exhaustion. Plenty of coconut water has been consumed throughout the night though. I decide to keep dancing as an example of why life is more fun without being stumble-fuck drunk (as many of the crowd were). Not in a mean way, but just so that people might want to have more fun.

T+7:15-+11:00 I take a walk on the boardwalk, and sit outside pondering my everythingness which is so clear. There isn't even the idea that there is anything apart from me, so there is no thought of 'I am.' I just was. Only a total silence and knowingness of Am-ness. It was the first time in life where I would confidentially have told anyone that ultimately I was in fact- we all were in fact- God.

I felt sad and disappointed watching so many people blindly throw away their latent potential trying to get laid. The whole spectacle of the party appears like so many flies and jackals crawling around (not literally, but figuratively- I don't mean to imply that any hallucinations were present). Then again, it was my dream, so I couldn't take it seriously. Anyhow, I decide I'm done dancing and continue walking around aimlessly admiring it all.

T+11:00-14:30 Still a +4, but now it is becoming a somewhat restless experience as I am more associated with my body. And that body and mind and now noticeably under the influence of mescaline and MDMA. Also, physical exhaustion is present.

While the mescaline was by far the leader the whole night, the MDMA seems to have strengthened the mescaline and the mescaline the MDMA. It is as if before I was pushed to beyond it, and there was no further to go, but now, I am suddenly back within it. Stomach discomfort becomes clear. Bowel movements with pretty loose waste material are coming about every 30 minutes. This is likely a combination of the plant matter from the SP mix, the large quantities of fruit juice, and the large quantities of fruit (persimmons, bananas, and apples) consumed throughout the night.

T+14:30-36:00. I gradually come down, and feel mostly sober by T+36:00 (the following morning). The lasting clarity and sharpness of perception common to mescaline seems to be the last of the drug's footprint. The consciousness expansion and realizations present so easily that night are not gone per se, but they are much, much harder to grasp -- and seemingly fleeting except in meditation. They are no longer effortless.

Summation: The coke and alcohol were quick lived and really provided little to the overall experience, and almost no noticeable effects after about T+4:00. The mescaline was clearly the underlying ocean, while the MDMA was merely a wave throughout the night. Both seemed to potentiate each other. The MDMA remained present in my chattiness, while the normal empathy seemed transformed to something impersonal in the mescaline. The grapefruit juice did seem to further potentiate things, but not so much that I would say with certainty it did. I simply tried it on a hunch. In hindsight, drinking the remaining SP mix and taking the roll so late in the night was not a good idea.
In hindsight, drinking the remaining SP mix and taking the roll so late in the night was not a good idea.
It's best to have the experience and be done with it. A nearly 24 hour trip is simply too long. I was quite surprised the next morning to hear that a few of the friends experienced the clarity, lightness, and energy from the very small amount of SP mix they consumed. This confirmed that the mixture was in fact quite strong.

That said, throughout the trip there was never a point were communication or perception became muddled, or that a situation seemed too chaotic. I probably wouldn't recommend this combination in this setting (large group of the un-hip) or manner it was taken (prolonged), but at something like an outdoor festival or outdoor rave, it would be quite nice.

Exp Year: 2009ExpID: 83161
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 26
Published: Oct 6, 2022Views: 440
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Cacti - T. pachanoi (64), MDMA (3), Alcohol - Hard (198), 2-hydroxycocaine (685) : Combinations (3), Rave / Dance Event (18)

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