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Refreshing Smoke
St. John's Wort
Citation:   Oxalis. "Refreshing Smoke: An Experience with St. John's Wort (exp83182)". Jan 8, 2010.

  repeated smoked St. John's Wort (dried)
I found a large stand of St John's Wort growing over the summer. I picked several whole plants and allowed them to sun-dry on a hot sunny day. I collected the dried leaves and flowers. I use a good wildflower field guide to identify the plant.

I tried a small pinch in a pipe. The taste reminded me of a stale cig but did not have the harsh feel to it. Not flavorful at all, a subtle taste. It burns fast but that must be dependent on the humidity of the leaves. The feeling was subtle and brief but I was sure it felt like St John's Wort capsules that one can buy from a pharmacy.

I stepped up the dose to a full tobacco pipe bowl. Wow. It was an uplifting feeling. Very refreshing. Highly enjoyable. Goes well with sage mixed in. Joints are fun too but burn quickly. Next time, I will not dry it out to a crisp.

Exp Year: 2009ExpID: 83182
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 24
Published: Jan 8, 2010Views: 45,160
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St. John's Wort (142) : General (1), Not Applicable (38)

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