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My Brain is Screaming at Me...
Citation:   Serge. "My Brain is Screaming at Me...: An Experience with JWH-018 (exp83183)". Mar 22, 2010.

15 mg inhaled JWH-018 (powder / crystals)
I do not remember the time periods, as time was very distorted.

So far I have tried it on 2 seperate occasions, this will be about both (Although the first occasion was a dud).

So the first time I tried jwh-018 i eyeballed what im guessing is about 4 mg. it was about four or five salt grains worth, as I have read would be a decent trip. I put this on aluminum foil and vaped it off, this stuff vapes real easy so you gotta suck in quick. I took a hit and didnt really seem to blow out much smoke, I waited five minutes and nothing really happened, Im thinking what happened was that I didn't catch the vapors quick enough, and thats why it didn't cause me to feel anything. I thought I had gotten ripped off and was pretty pissed, and I didnt bother with it anymore that night.

Boy was I wrong about getting ripped off.

The following morning I had woken up and decided to try this stuff again, I had nothing to do that day so what have I got to lose. I remember that I had a lightbulb vaporizor and that I saw some articles using one to vape jwh-018. So I went and got my vape and jwh and set off to try this again. I put in about 10 salt grains worth into the vape. [Erowid Note: Two samples of powder (even of the same chemical) with equivalent volumes won't necessarily weigh the same. For this reason, eyeballing is an inaccurate and potentially dangerous method of measuring, particularly for substances that are active in very small amounts. See this article on The Importance of Measured Doses.] I put the flame below the lightbulb and actually saw the jwh vapors swirling aroung the lightbulb. I made sure to keep on sucking the vapors out and I got about 4 good hits. JWH taste kinda like burnt plastic. Its not bad by any means, it just tastes funny.

After about 45 seconds of taking the hits, I was feeling it really good. At about 2 minutes I was nicely baked, it feels alot like pot, however, I didnt stop coming up. I got higher and higher and higher and for about 10 minutes I was coming up too strong and too fast. At this point, I was getting scared because I wass tripping too hard, I didn't have anxiety like some people get, I was just scared because I was still not at the peak. As I was coming up things that I noted were heavy visual distortion, brighter colors and objects, color distortion, geometric hallucinations, heavy body load, numbness of whole body.

The peak. What can I say? The peak lasted about 2 hours in real time, however, it seemed to last a couple of days because time was so distored. I was feeling amazing, it's unlike anything I have ever experienced. Besides the afformetioned effects, my brain was going crazy. It was literally screaming at me. I cant explain this, but my mind was yelling at me and I didn't know what to do, this to me, was funny and I had started laughing. The laughing was more enjoyable than usual, however, I couldn't stop, my brain wouldn't let me. I know it sounds crazy but I couldn't control the laughing, I tried to stop, but it was like I wasn't in control of my own body. My mind was so blown, I couldn't make myself move. The visual distortions were becoming too much for me, so I tried to shut off my laptop, but I was so high I could do it. The sounds and sights were becoming too intense for me, even touching objects was too intense. There were alot more effects and stuff that happened, but I dont even remember, I was too high.

The comedown was nice, it felt like I was very, very stoned. The intenseness of the trip was over and the stoney feeling was quite enjoyable and lasted about 4 hours after the peak. By now I had the munchies and was very tired. I went to go get something to eat, and then lights out for me.

All in all, the trip was almost too intense, but for me, I find this intenseness enjoyable. Definitely scary at times, but once I learned to let go and let my mind take over, it was smooth sailing from then on out. Thanks for reading!

Exp Year: 2008ExpID: 83183
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 21
Published: Mar 22, 2010Views: 16,404
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JWH-018 (483) : Alone (16), General (1)

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